DrownedGod ★
Stark Spidey.
3, unless I can get another 12k shards between now and then.
I respectfully disagree that it was a game changer. I'm a seasoned player, Thronebreaker but not far from Paragon and I'm one of those who bought a number of bundles. I got exactly 2 new champs - Cull Obsidian and Symbiote Spidey - and a whole bunch of dupes for some 7* shards and ISO. I gained negligible advantage versus…
I'll be the first to admit that I jumped into the deal with not much thought and popped a bunch of 6* crystals. If that turns into a negative balance on shards for me, I'm done. I got a bunch of less than stellar dupes and a new cull obsidian and symbiote spidey. By all means, take the champs from me, it wasn't worth it.
Getting Thronebreaker about a month ago after putting it off far too long.
I pushed through act 6 completion just 2 weeks ago, covering the latter half of 6.2 all the way through grandmaster in the span of 2 days Be patient, know that you're not the only one to have struggled but you'll get him down!
July? Wow.
159 here, all maxed out, defined nowhere near max sig. They've come in handy for the 2* arenas.
Can confirm this works, as well as zooming in as tight as possible to actually view the node in question.
Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Android 10
In before mod(s) praises the calendar and admonishes anyone who complains.
Got the only one I can't immediately use or need (tech) and I already had one in my inventory.
Nick Fury. Even unduped. Do it.
I'm not sure if we're talking about the champs or the nodes that made them tougher (in the case of Uncollected EQ). I managed to handle Mojo pretty easily this EQ with very little knowledge going into it of him and only glancing at the nodes. Nova got handled last month by Nick Fury as soon as I determined he could bleed.…
I've got him too. Not many uses for me outside of another arena champ.
Dormammu to 4/55, sig 200.
I'd have a few more, but DD is sig 40 and JF is sig 20.
5 for 1 and I'll throw in a couple of T1As.
At high sig though. Right now he's got something like a 25% chance.
Very true, I can't complain there. The 3 DD pulled happened in less that 36 hours though. So whereas i was expecting to have 9 6* champs, there's 7...
In order, thus far I've pulled Drax Corvus Nebula Captain Marvel (movie) Daredevil classic Blue Cyclops Daredevil classic Daredevil classic A couple of good ones but I'm holding of on opening anything for awhile.
Would like to know as well.
Looking for 1 again, just had a member leave the alliance due to RL issues.
He was my first 6 star. No real complaints here. Could have pulled better of course, but it could have been much worse!