KelvinKage ★★★
Karnak Falcon Beast
From the t5 wanted anything but mutant and mystic.... take a wild guess what I pulled 😂 Even the random sig stones, wanted as much skill as possible for falcon, none Lol. Absolutely awesome content though!
Top 10 plus Mags bottom Left. Just pulled and took CMM to r3 yesterday.
Medusa. Has great reach, actively benefits from being hyper aggressive, and has a safety net in case you mess up.
Assuming you’ve got a decent amount of skill then yes that’s enough to get it done. Good luck!
This does feel a bit high, but the question is, as with most champs, how good are you using his optimal playstyle? Did you manage to get to 28-30 spores and continuously lock them in for the duration of the fight? Or were you losing them often and racing back to sp2s? Because that makes a tremendous difference in my…
He’s great at r3 👍🏽 The added stats really help him too, more health to counter the block proficiency and more attack to counter the need to parry as often. Awakening helps but isn’t all the way necessary to justify r3
Edit: at least 5 people understood the question lol
Do you have sparky or Corvus? Both work really well
One of my favorite champs, got him at r3. In my opinion he’s one of the best AQ and general questing champs in the game. If you run suicides, he pairs really well with NF and DPX because the heal at the start of fights counters his lack of block proficiency. Different ways to play him and nice bits of utility as well. If…
Does he need his sig ability to be effective?
Both my best and favorite champ
Might take you a few revives but if you max boost and play well you should easily be able to get cavalier
Also important to note how much T5cc you already have
Domino 3 hit combos, bait SP1 works really well
Whenever you decide to do abyss lol and even then you’ll probably pull a cosmic T5cc
Semi-whaled out for mostly garbage but pulled 6* thing as the literal last crystal which is the champ I most wanted. Made it worth it for me.
He is great and it is a common misconception that he’s only good against mystics. More like, against mystics and champ with sources of energy damage he’s arguably the best champ in the game. Against everyone else he’s still fantastic, pun intended. Absolutely immediately R5 worthy and no it does not depend on your roster…
Night Thrasher all day
1. You’re not supposed to tag mods and they don’t have to respond. 2. It’s literally bolded, blue, and all caps in the in game message that they will not change during the weekend. 3. No need to be an a**
I assume that many people, like myself, have little to no rank up options they are comfortable with while having a more or less balanced amount of T5cc amongst the different classes. For example, I’ve got 1 fully formed science T5cc and every other class is at 40% give or a take a few fragments. Ideally, opening a few 6*…
Awesome. Who was it?
Been closer to a year I think. How quickly time passes
I’ve got her at r3 as a 6* and I love her. She’s a great day to day questing champ and she’s got solid utility if you know how to use her. I’m sure she’ll be useful for book 2.
I could be mistaken but I don’t think Ronan works anymore for that fight. Sparky, ghost w/ hood, Corvus and a revive or two are some of the better counters to my knowledge
Explore act 5
Currently it’s a toss up between Claire, Guardian and 6* Thing
Masteries and content
There’s plenty of T5cc in game you just have to know where to look then be good enough/have a roster built to get it
The yellow path on an abyss map is the easiest if you’ve got Aegon. Check out KT1 and Munash on YouTube they’ve got great videos on scouting and on each individual fight, respectively.