To those with the TB title

How much time did it take you to get your first T5cc?
I just completed act 6, and I need to rank 3 a 6-star champ to get the TB title.
Here is my current situation with my catalysts, I have 6-star options for each class except cosmic:
When do you think I'll be able to form my first t5cc?
I just completed act 6, and I need to rank 3 a 6-star champ to get the TB title.
Here is my current situation with my catalysts, I have 6-star options for each class except cosmic:

When do you think I'll be able to form my first t5cc?
Fortunately, you can always buy your way out $$$ /sarcasm
People like to say you have to live in the game to do map 7 though so whatever makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside.
but just grind man and complete the events that give out T5CC .. and maybe join a high tier alliance. it'll take some time. it's not a quick work. but totally doable without Abyss or $.
like right now i'm already 22K in on a Mystic T5CC . .no money spent to get it.
From looking at your cats , it looks like you are just getting into the more complicated fights of Mcoc.
My recommendation would be to start doing 100% of act 6.1-6.3
Variants if not completed should come before that. As act 6 really stretches your roster( especially between AQ/AW/AWD.)
If you have a deeper Roster you can finish content quicker. This means you can at least get a 25% T5CC from 6.1 and 6.2 100%
Good luck !
Hypothetical if I joined your allaince I blasted for 8 hrs then disappeared for let's just say 8 for sleep and another 4 with quality time with my family. That is 12 hours gone no word no nothing I'm just living my life, how long will I still be there?
I don't want to go out on Saturday with the family to the beach and say hold on i need to clear this node real quick. To me that is living in the game. You might think my 8 hr block is living in game it's all perspective. I don't want them to change aq or anything for me just pointing it out.
Come back clear nodes and take down the second mini, by that time I can play until I can clear the boss. That's a typical cycle.
The two non-playing windows where I work and sleep prevent me from being in a map 6/7 alliance. It sucks, but it is what it is. And if I'm with my girlfriend and I play the game, I can probably kiss that phone goodbye.
Map 7, if you have time.
High tier AW, if you’re good enough
Most games are similar, if you want to have highest progression, then you’ll have to invest time or money or both. But if you don’t want the game to interfere your life in a major way, then you don’t have to be among the best or have the best roster.
Got my second from Abyss completion.
Formed four more from AQ Map 7 and AW rewards as I worked my way through the rest of the Abyss.
Opened two more from Abyss exploration.
10% away from forming 2 more currently.
AQ Map 7 w/ Epic modifiers is by far my best and easiest source of T5CC, nothing else really comes close for me. Keep pushing, you’ll get there soon.