To those with the TB title

MitriaxMitriax Member Posts: 215 ★★
edited December 2020 in General Discussion
How much time did it take you to get your first T5cc?

I just completed act 6, and I need to rank 3 a 6-star champ to get the TB title.
Here is my current situation with my catalysts, I have 6-star options for each class except cosmic:
When do you think I'll be able to form my first t5cc?


  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Abyss completion. Then explored Abyss. Then explored 6.4. Finished abyss first week of March and 6.4 later that month.
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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    MavRCK_ said:

    Even if you complete Abyss, there is no guarantee that the T5CC you get is the class which you need to R3 a worthy 6* of the matching class in your roster... and this RNG of matching T5CC and 6* can continue for quite a while as you continue to explore 100% Act 6 and/or Abyss. This is the RNG purgatory which has annoyed a lot of likely longtime players and fueled the recent dissatisfaction.

    Fortunately, you can always buy your way out $$$ /sarcasm

    The best way to reduce the effect of RNG without money, is to increase the number of t5cc crystals you open. There are more t5cc crystals available from AQ per month than EQ and the side quest. Anyone trying to form that first t5cc they want should probably look at their AQ participation first.
  • MeebletonMeebleton Member Posts: 552 ★★★
    edited December 2020
    I'm not actually TB yet (hopefully soon) but the quickest way to do it is abyss. Just doing 100% cavalier, the side quest and maybe the objective every month is probably the easiest way to do it but it will take a number of months. Exploring Variant 5 and the soon to be released variant 6 will speed that up quite a bit.
  • MeebletonMeebleton Member Posts: 552 ★★★

    This fallacy that people keep trying to put out there that the only way to get t5cc is to spend money is just absolutely ridiculous. Run map 7. If you can't manage that, then maybe you shouldn't be sitting at the highest progression title 2 months after it existed.

    And that, if you have the time/roster for it
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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Ebony_Naw said:

    Meebleton said:

    This fallacy that people keep trying to put out there that the only way to get t5cc is to spend money is just absolutely ridiculous. Run map 7. If you can't manage that, then maybe you shouldn't be sitting at the highest progression title 2 months after it existed.

    And that, if you have the time/roster for it
    The time aspect is an issue for some admittedly. Those people also willingly play a game that focuses on alliance event involvement. If they don't have the time to devote to those events they're still choosing to play the game and should know they will be slowed due to that. The roster aspect, if they don't have the roster to handle map 7 then they have absolutely zero business worrying about having a completely new progression title right after it exists.
    I haven't found the biggest difference in time commitment when comparing Maps 6 and 7. The biggest issue is getting those early nodes in each section down quickly. But with some early movement and solid communication (simple letting someone know the node is down), time isn't much of an issue.
    I don't feel there is either personally. We finished map 7 in my 4loki BG faster than we finish map 6 in my current alliance. It takes more planning and communication is all.

    People like to say you have to live in the game to do map 7 though so whatever makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 716 ★★★

    Ebony_Naw said:

    Meebleton said:

    This fallacy that people keep trying to put out there that the only way to get t5cc is to spend money is just absolutely ridiculous. Run map 7. If you can't manage that, then maybe you shouldn't be sitting at the highest progression title 2 months after it existed.

    And that, if you have the time/roster for it
    The time aspect is an issue for some admittedly. Those people also willingly play a game that focuses on alliance event involvement. If they don't have the time to devote to those events they're still choosing to play the game and should know they will be slowed due to that. The roster aspect, if they don't have the roster to handle map 7 then they have absolutely zero business worrying about having a completely new progression title right after it exists.
    I haven't found the biggest difference in time commitment when comparing Maps 6 and 7. The biggest issue is getting those early nodes in each section down quickly. But with some early movement and solid communication (simple letting someone know the node is down), time isn't much of an issue.
    I don't feel there is either personally. We finished map 7 in my 4loki BG faster than we finish map 6 in my current alliance. It takes more planning and communication is all.

    People like to say you have to live in the game to do map 7 though so whatever makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside.
    Kinda do though. Me personally I have 8 hrs blocks that I put up amazing numbers in allaince events but what map 7 is gonna take someone that has 8hrs a day to play hard but it's all in one go.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Ebony_Naw said:

    Meebleton said:

    This fallacy that people keep trying to put out there that the only way to get t5cc is to spend money is just absolutely ridiculous. Run map 7. If you can't manage that, then maybe you shouldn't be sitting at the highest progression title 2 months after it existed.

    And that, if you have the time/roster for it
    The time aspect is an issue for some admittedly. Those people also willingly play a game that focuses on alliance event involvement. If they don't have the time to devote to those events they're still choosing to play the game and should know they will be slowed due to that. The roster aspect, if they don't have the roster to handle map 7 then they have absolutely zero business worrying about having a completely new progression title right after it exists.
    I haven't found the biggest difference in time commitment when comparing Maps 6 and 7. The biggest issue is getting those early nodes in each section down quickly. But with some early movement and solid communication (simple letting someone know the node is down), time isn't much of an issue.
    I don't feel there is either personally. We finished map 7 in my 4loki BG faster than we finish map 6 in my current alliance. It takes more planning and communication is all.

    People like to say you have to live in the game to do map 7 though so whatever makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside.
    Kinda do though. Me personally I have 8 hrs blocks that I put up amazing numbers in allaince events but what map 7 is gonna take someone that has 8hrs a day to play hard but it's all in one go.
    A few minutes a few times a day is definitely not "living in the game"
  • UvoginUvogin Member Posts: 345 ★★★
    Quickest way would be abyss completion. I did my abyss completion 5 months back but didn't have any good champion to r3 util recently. If this happens, sometimes Kabam releases boss rushes etc which give selector rewards, select the class whichever is the highest and you have a decent champ to r3. Start working towards act 6 exploration, each chapter gives a 25% crystal and the monthly eq has 10-20% crystal, hopefully you'll be lucky in those.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    edited December 2020
    i got mine from sheer bad luck (or so i thought at the time lol) i ran a P3 alliance for a long while and no matter what, i would pull Skill T5CC ... side events, EQ .. whenever I'd get a T5CC it was 90% Skill. so i formed one pretty quickly and I haven't even done a pass of Abyss. and i didn't spend any $ to get it .. (not my first lol .. i bought an Odin though to get the last 8500 or so I needed for a Science T5CC)

    but just grind man and complete the events that give out T5CC .. and maybe join a high tier alliance. it'll take some time. it's not a quick work. but totally doable without Abyss or $.

    like right now i'm already 22K in on a Mystic T5CC . .no money spent to get it.
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  • Destroy4589Destroy4589 Member Posts: 261 ★★★
    I did 100% act 6.4. Haven't touched abyss and not interested to with the units requirement. 100,% act 6 got me science t5cc and I had the thing to rank up
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    I did 100% act 6 first , at the time there was no TB title , so my R3 was someone I truly enjoy playing IW. I would say just from causal gaming maybe 4/5 months. If you go into exploring content you can have an R3 for less than 13k units. Act 6 + energy refills I imagine would be that cost, since it has been nerfed down a lot.

    From looking at your cats , it looks like you are just getting into the more complicated fights of Mcoc.

    My recommendation would be to start doing 100% of act 6.1-6.3

    Variants if not completed should come before that. As act 6 really stretches your roster( especially between AQ/AW/AWD.)

    If you have a deeper Roster you can finish content quicker. This means you can at least get a 25% T5CC from 6.1 and 6.2 100%

    Good luck !
  • edited December 2020
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  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★

    Ebony_Naw said:

    Meebleton said:

    This fallacy that people keep trying to put out there that the only way to get t5cc is to spend money is just absolutely ridiculous. Run map 7. If you can't manage that, then maybe you shouldn't be sitting at the highest progression title 2 months after it existed.

    And that, if you have the time/roster for it
    The time aspect is an issue for some admittedly. Those people also willingly play a game that focuses on alliance event involvement. If they don't have the time to devote to those events they're still choosing to play the game and should know they will be slowed due to that. The roster aspect, if they don't have the roster to handle map 7 then they have absolutely zero business worrying about having a completely new progression title right after it exists.
    I haven't found the biggest difference in time commitment when comparing Maps 6 and 7. The biggest issue is getting those early nodes in each section down quickly. But with some early movement and solid communication (simple letting someone know the node is down), time isn't much of an issue.
    I don't feel there is either personally. We finished map 7 in my 4loki BG faster than we finish map 6 in my current alliance. It takes more planning and communication is all.

    People like to say you have to live in the game to do map 7 though so whatever makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside.
    Kinda do though. Me personally I have 8 hrs blocks that I put up amazing numbers in allaince events but what map 7 is gonna take someone that has 8hrs a day to play hard but it's all in one go.
    A few minutes a few times a day is definitely not "living in the game"
    unless you run KG
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    The easiest way to get your first T5cc is AoL, certainly in terms of units vs effort. After that, depending on your roster, 6.4 exploration followed by AOL. There’s also 25% in V5, so likely the same in V6.

    Map 7, if you have time.
    High tier AW, if you’re good enough
  • TheMailmannTheMailmann Member Posts: 120 ★★

    Ebony_Naw said:

    Meebleton said:

    This fallacy that people keep trying to put out there that the only way to get t5cc is to spend money is just absolutely ridiculous. Run map 7. If you can't manage that, then maybe you shouldn't be sitting at the highest progression title 2 months after it existed.

    And that, if you have the time/roster for it
    The time aspect is an issue for some admittedly. Those people also willingly play a game that focuses on alliance event involvement. If they don't have the time to devote to those events they're still choosing to play the game and should know they will be slowed due to that. The roster aspect, if they don't have the roster to handle map 7 then they have absolutely zero business worrying about having a completely new progression title right after it exists.
    I haven't found the biggest difference in time commitment when comparing Maps 6 and 7. The biggest issue is getting those early nodes in each section down quickly. But with some early movement and solid communication (simple letting someone know the node is down), time isn't much of an issue.
    I don't feel there is either personally. We finished map 7 in my 4loki BG faster than we finish map 6 in my current alliance. It takes more planning and communication is all.

    People like to say you have to live in the game to do map 7 though so whatever makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside.
    Kinda do though. Me personally I have 8 hrs blocks that I put up amazing numbers in allaince events but what map 7 is gonna take someone that has 8hrs a day to play hard but it's all in one go.
    A few minutes a few times a day is definitely not "living in the game"
    I'm not judging you mate. I don't care how many times you log it but to me 8hrs already in game a few more minutes here or there is me living in the game.

    Hypothetical if I joined your allaince I blasted for 8 hrs then disappeared for let's just say 8 for sleep and another 4 with quality time with my family. That is 12 hours gone no word no nothing I'm just living my life, how long will I still be there?

    I don't want to go out on Saturday with the family to the beach and say hold on i need to clear this node real quick. To me that is living in the game. You might think my 8 hr block is living in game it's all perspective. I don't want them to change aq or anything for me just pointing it out.
    I think that’s fair. But if that’s the case, the fact that you don’t want to live in this little game, then you should allow yourself to feel happy with whatever progression you have right now. I used to feel that way, I didn’t have any alliance, but then this 1 month I wanted to progress really badly so I put my time and effort that one month into alliance and story quests, so my roster became better and I was satisfied. Then, I quit for a while again so I lived my life, as you say.

    Most games are similar, if you want to have highest progression, then you’ll have to invest time or money or both. But if you don’t want the game to interfere your life in a major way, then you don’t have to be among the best or have the best roster.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 716 ★★★

    Ebony_Naw said:

    Meebleton said:

    This fallacy that people keep trying to put out there that the only way to get t5cc is to spend money is just absolutely ridiculous. Run map 7. If you can't manage that, then maybe you shouldn't be sitting at the highest progression title 2 months after it existed.

    And that, if you have the time/roster for it
    The time aspect is an issue for some admittedly. Those people also willingly play a game that focuses on alliance event involvement. If they don't have the time to devote to those events they're still choosing to play the game and should know they will be slowed due to that. The roster aspect, if they don't have the roster to handle map 7 then they have absolutely zero business worrying about having a completely new progression title right after it exists.
    I haven't found the biggest difference in time commitment when comparing Maps 6 and 7. The biggest issue is getting those early nodes in each section down quickly. But with some early movement and solid communication (simple letting someone know the node is down), time isn't much of an issue.
    I don't feel there is either personally. We finished map 7 in my 4loki BG faster than we finish map 6 in my current alliance. It takes more planning and communication is all.

    People like to say you have to live in the game to do map 7 though so whatever makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside.
    Kinda do though. Me personally I have 8 hrs blocks that I put up amazing numbers in allaince events but what map 7 is gonna take someone that has 8hrs a day to play hard but it's all in one go.
    A few minutes a few times a day is definitely not "living in the game"
    I'm not judging you mate. I don't care how many times you log it but to me 8hrs already in game a few more minutes here or there is me living in the game.

    Hypothetical if I joined your allaince I blasted for 8 hrs then disappeared for let's just say 8 for sleep and another 4 with quality time with my family. That is 12 hours gone no word no nothing I'm just living my life, how long will I still be there?

    I don't want to go out on Saturday with the family to the beach and say hold on i need to clear this node real quick. To me that is living in the game. You might think my 8 hr block is living in game it's all perspective. I don't want them to change aq or anything for me just pointing it out.
    I think that’s fair. But if that’s the case, the fact that you don’t want to live in this little game, then you should allow yourself to feel happy with whatever progression you have right now. I used to feel that way, I didn’t have any alliance, but then this 1 month I wanted to progress really badly so I put my time and effort that one month into alliance and story quests, so my roster became better and I was satisfied. Then, I quit for a while again so I lived my life, as you say.

    Most games are similar, if you want to have highest progression, then you’ll have to invest time or money or both. But if you don’t want the game to interfere your life in a major way, then you don’t have to be among the best or have the best roster.
    Umm 8hrs a day is not enough time? I am happy where my roster is bar apparently 1 thing now. I am also happy with my progress in 100 variants and explore upto 6.4.1 in story and always 100 all eg. I personally never felt a pay wall or forced nature of the game till latest title. I'm happy in my bubble and don't care what others do but I do care when my progress gets cut down after someone at hq decides nonsense. No one should after explore of act 6 should be faced with having to r3 nobody to keep their account revelant.
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  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    Mitriax said:

    How much time did it take you to get your first T5cc?

    I just completed act 6, and I need to rank 3 a 6-star champ to get the TB title.
    Here is my current situation with my catalysts, I have 6-star options for each class except cosmic:
    When do you think I'll be able to form my first t5cc?

    I got my first from Act 6 100%.

    Got my second from Abyss completion.

    Formed four more from AQ Map 7 and AW rewards as I worked my way through the rest of the Abyss.

    Opened two more from Abyss exploration.

    10% away from forming 2 more currently.


    AQ Map 7 w/ Epic modifiers is by far my best and easiest source of T5CC, nothing else really comes close for me. Keep pushing, you’ll get there soon.
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