MCOCHazza ★★★★
Is this thing a meme or something that I’ve missed? You write this on so many posts and it’s just not helpful or funny to me, so I’m just wondering if I’ve missed a bit of forum lore or lingo 😂 I’m interdasted 🤔
He’s excellent. Combines great sustainability with fantastic damage and some decent utility, and he’s a solid defender (not serpent level but still a great stall and can be dangerous). He’s incredibly well rounded and anyone saying he’s overrated either doesn’t have him, or they don’t understand what makes a champion good.…
Hey, can you drop your LINE? We can communicate more there
Chee’ilth and in my opinion she’s a firm #1
We all know the drop rates were terrible and Kabam went ahead and changed some of the milestones and gave us a nice holiday gift. It’s not made up for the units spent but that’s what’s happened and we all spent our units and got what we got. Why can’t we all just move on?
Arcade’s cheat code pre fight applies -100% true accuracy ability accuracy
Jack, ironheart (with tracking) and QS with 600 momentum, as well
Jack was in my top 2 from this titan pool (the other being nefaria of course) so very happy with this.
It’s 100% count and not even close, idk what people are smoking
they’re gonna buff the realm event milestones on Christmas and then Santa gonna come and give us all loads of points to reach high milestones
I don’t agree. As much as I dislike this event due to it being overhyped and underwhelming, just a scaling adjustment to realm rewards is plenty. That way, you’re rewarded for opening more crystals but it’s not confusing or difficult to do really. Send out a base comp for people that have spent X units and therefore missed…
Selector for Titan crystal or 7* abyss nexus
Heat charges apply a burst of physical damage (18% of damage dealt each, so an additional 180% of damage dealt as physical damage, at 10 stacks)
Stun immune champs are a workaround 🤣
All I really want is to expand his danger sense to include legion of monsters
Mac support :/
6.4.1 and 6.4.2
So the wording might be a bit unclear - but there are 3 conditions here that need to be met in order for the 3 aptitudes (and therefore the intensify) to trigger: 1. You need to have gained 1 of each fury/precision/armour. This is due to the phrasing ‘the first time’, which indicates that an aptitude trigger only works…
Because stryfe’s evade counter is not a reduction to evade a chance like evade or defensive AAR is. His psionic blasts just can’t be evaded, period. There’s no chance or DAAR associated with it
Leader’s door 🙏
I’m guessing the node hasn’t been updated to include onslaught since it’s a bit of an older node
Just remember diminishing returns on that crit rate bonus. It actually scales quite linearly when you factor that in
We’re looking for a few for next season, please reach out if interested
Add me on LINE @ kingdom_hazza, we might be a good fit
90% of hit damage, but if you have a bleed or poison then it’s 110% instead
Messaged you on line… still looking?
This for sure. A bunch of the science champs benefit from heal reversal and this is a change that makes a ton of sense. And allowing heal block as well to deal with tactic makes tech champs like OS and LDS still great too. This change might mean Sauron, toad and sinister will need heal block (depending on if the…
I used him twice, once with the vicious placebo one, and once with unparalleled buffs. He was decent with both, mine is r3. He definitely isn’t the best raids champ but he’s not terrible
Don’t worry, spiral and (possibly) clea will probably do a decent job