Negritis ★
they have an annoucement about the rewards being delayed up to a week ...
they could pre release the maps so we can plan for it
no, you rank up more champs and do map 6
Doc OC handles it pretty well i didnt have him that time so i brought Sparky + capiw&og im synergy
or maybe learn to grind for a pfp?
they are also checking if there was any cheating and adjusting stuff with that in mind
Warlock, Mysterio, Imiw, Hype
its 9 in total, not 9 others but its really tragical
they were introduced in 2018 holidays not for v4
i also think that you missed one of the nodes, either a portal or 1 actual champ in the 2 sides
i have 90 2* maxed, i may have to sell one or two of the "basic" ones -.-"
no, kabaam is leading them towards 6r2 (and later 6r3) that will solve the 5r3-4 rankup cost and give more of a balance for t2a-t5b im also missing t1a and t4b from the plat rewards but its just a push for you to balance your rankups more on whats useful im not talking about the **** chance to pull worthy 6star champs,…
Crossbones, Black Widow, Blade works max sig Namor Omega Red
dungeons is the best game mode right now ...
does Will of Konshu: All of Moon Knight’s passive abilities are activated, regardless of the current lunar phase. applies to attackers MK or only for the defender?
there is a youtube video about Thor taking out ROL WS in like 9 hits
yeah i would expect it at dec 11
there is a difficulty spike but nothing specific 5* rank4 can't handle you need to check the actual paths, and who is weak to plan what to bring and no its not "that" hard
with the issues going on there was no good solution, i think they picked the least worst
{2} doesnt mean 2 here, its the second parameter here if you know python programming its a bit similar to how .format() works, and i guess its the same in word press
dodge and domino makes the other AW tactics meaningless
i would like more t4b shards isntead of t4cc shards, but still its awesome
but they didnt
it should come back in 2 days
the heavy attack chain isnt a nerf for gods sake its the fix for an unintended mechanic and outside of She Hulk they dont have much of a usage for it (breaking Maw's focus is the other one)
phc shards to gmc shards phc/gmc crystals to cav crystals lower tier ISO to higher tier ISO 1 class catalyst crystal for 2 basic catalys across all tiers
if nobody uses him at the end game how does it affect the end game?
if its the twitter vid that BG counted in his stream too then there is no assasin activated there, i think suicides yes but no assassin and she did 60k+ not at ghost lvl, but still pretty good