Pratham02 ★★
If you look into guides for some of the harder paths, the only revives you'll need are probably to learn the kang fight and if you slip up somewhere.
Have a s112 and you definitely see the need to have him there in war sometimes. There's been many scenarios where I've had 3 neuros and that saved me.
Brother, you have 10 6 stars. Why even complain at this point
It honestly doesn't make sense anymore, why make 6 star ag's so rare ?
Close to 10 mil gold, gimme.
That's a hilarious take. If the bugs lasted a month then yes, questing would be optional. But this is the third month of these issues being in the game. I understand some people have most stuff explored and just play the game for aq/aw, but you've also got the fact that these people are very rare when compared to the rest…
Funny enough, the game worked fine for me last month, I did have the parry bug, but it only happened once or twice so it was negligible. The hotfix that they put out this month introduced a lot of lag and freeze frames into the game though, almost makes it unplayable at times.en How are all finding the game and compensations at the moment Comentario por Pratham02 agosto 2021
I had no issues last month, game was running flawlessly with the parry bug happening 2 it 3 times throughout the month. But as soon as this update dropped, the game is killing my phone. It's lagging like never before and the frames just freeze once every few fights.
Trust me when I say this, but I've talked to quite a few people with a r5 or r3 molegod and they have no idea. I wouldn't have known about this too if I didn't read the kit for fun one day, a large majority have just come to accept that this is how moleman works, it makes sense though. They've left this in the game for…
Judging by how many people who took him to r3 don't even realize this is unintentional, it's going to be a big one .
I was about to take this post seriously until I read zero utility, now I'm just going to assume this is a joke.
You seem to have forgotten that void exists.
Would also be cool if the charges gave him some benefits like energy resistance or extra damage.
Totally agree with the underrated part, but a small change or two will really help him shine.
Longshot is a great r3 candidate. His dps scales a lot with each rank .
If you have him awakened you don't really have to choose.
Have him at r3 awakened , great addition to my roster. He carries his weight and is a fantastic champ to rank up and use a tech t5cc on. That said he's not the best, but the best is not what we need.
Do you have poisons on him ?
She's bad because I don't have her, simple.
I'm very sorry, since I'm a sane human I can't be asked to quake the eventual 1 million healthpools in the future with a 5 star quake .
Tb is simply a roster depth check, if you're not ready you aren't ready. That's all
His awakened ability just makes him so much more convenient to play, I recently duped my r3 ibom. Can see the difference when you play him, much smoother and easier to manage.
True , r3 ibom is life
Tbh, the rage stacks should be paused when the opponent has their block up, it'll make playing him so much easier. But it might also end up giving him crazy uptime on rage .
If it can make the run cheaper and quicker , why not
Doom - kaameeehhaaa- wait, how many times have I seen this now ? You're telling me I spend half my time on this game looking at dooms sp3 animation? Sick
Still makes his a super fun character now, I'm taking mine to r5 when iso starts existing again .
She was supposed to be my tb r3, but then I got ibom from a cav , iw might be pretty cool with the new synergy with super skrull though.