6 Star Rank 3 Ægon.Is it too worth on Abyss ? I need your advices...

I have already a thronebreaker player.And already complete the initial run of Abyss...My plan is %100 Abyss and 4 path left...
I have 6 star rank 2 sig 70 Aegon and i have a tier 5 skill catalyst.
My question is should i make him R3 ? Would him help a lot ?
I am confused that I will only used him in abyss.Is it worth to r3 ?
I need your advices...
I have 6 star rank 2 sig 70 Aegon and i have a tier 5 skill catalyst.
My question is should i make him R3 ? Would him help a lot ?
I am confused that I will only used him in abyss.Is it worth to r3 ?
I need your advices...
6 Star Rank 3 Ægon.Is it too worth on Abyss ? I need your advices... 76 votes
Post edited by Kabam Dijon on
But consider this, firstly, he will be harder to ramp up at lower sig. this could cost you a few items, not more than you will save by him being r3 overall but still a cost.
Secondly, how much will he actually save you? Aegon runs at r5/r2 cost somewhere in the region of 3-4K units right? How much do you think he will knock off for you per run? Is it 200 units, 300? 1000? And if so, for 4 paths how much is having an r3 Aegon worth to you?
An r3 is ~15-20% better than an r2 in terms of stats right? So let’s say your path will cost 4K units with an r2, so we will take 10-15% of that off in terms of revives as an estimation, since you won’t use Aegon for every fight. So that saves you 400-600units per path, 1600-2400 units overall for abyss.
After you finish abyss you will likely not use Aegon again seriously until the next Everest content, and he’s actually better at r2 for things like act 7, since you can ramp him up higher. An r2 Aegon at 500 combo is better than an r3 Aegon at 300.
So the question is this, would you value a t5cc skill at 1600-2400units. Or would you rather go through abyss spending a little bit more, and come out the other side with an extra t5cc?
Me personally, I’d take the loss on units. I can grind that in less than a month or two, it takes up to a year to form a t5cc and that’s if you’re lucky.
Post abyss, I use R2 NF more than R3 Aegon who stays on the bench mostly.
I would suggest not r3 Aegon just for the abyss and keep him on the bench later. Better do abyss with R2 Aegon and wait for abyss rewards.