Saket_123 ★
This is the 10th fight in the last 3 days I have lost in arenas. Same thing happened yesterday while doing incursions....
Still no rewards
Saket Stark with 7s emma frost as top champ
Hi. Can I join?
Hien 30Mil+ Alliance looking for active players TB and Valiant Comentario por Saket_123 diciembre 2024
In-Game Name: Saket Stark Device and Model: Redmi Note 7s Device Operating System: ANDROIDos 9.0 Cellular or WiFi: Cellular (Mobile Data) Vodafone Game Version: v25.0.1 Game Mode: Login Description of the Issue: While using the mobile data I am not able to login. Whenever I try logging in it shows check your internet…
Got 50 sig stones
I do have a 4s r5 corvus but you cant use him on uncollected eq or act 5. He is for short fights so better wait for a 5s or a 6s corvus. Hyperion will be your best choice
Only if you master his gameplay
Medusa. Go medusa.
I used corvus. 4 single revives did the job. iron man will be a great counter for the reason of energy controlled sp1 but again you need more time to take sparky up or pull a better champ. End of the day its all money grab man. 1200 units is more than enough to take collector down if you manage 12 hits every revive.
Go AA man. You wont regret. He is a beast. And some day you will awaken him as well.
Use a magik just fine. I used awakened vision and that worked perfectly
SL. Use it on SL
Go with blade. If the opponent is bleed or poison immune then AA is completely useless but its not the case with blade. Blade hits hard enough to get the fight going even when facing a bleed immune champ. And those synergies make blade more powerful.
- See if this helps you out.
Corvus is indeed great but a 4s r5 corvus without charge is not recommended for last 2 maps of master difficulty EQ. I have both and I love my corvus but he dissappoints me on long fights where as hype with furies and armour break sp3 does the job real easy.
Medusa. Go with medusa man. R5 medusa with furies and armour break and bleed hits like 10 tanks at once.
For the collector fight I managed minimum 12 hits and a sp1 and used 6 20% revives to beat the collector. Corvus rocks man. I had a chance to hit him with sp2 as well when by luck I evaded his sp2. Corvus and duped hulk at 20% have great damage. Not to mention if your corvus is awakened you cannot die from normal hits…
Guess Vision it is.
I play tier 10 and above wars. 5s sentinnel wont help me much unawakened on defence.
If you got 2 more spots then search for Saket Stark in Game.
Search Saket Stark for Line app and in game as well.
Seems interesting. Do you guys have 2 vacancies?
If you are not good with stacking souls then dont. Else she is a beast.
Cant risk it. I am already 2.5m. will probably keep grinding untill it ends. Do 4m+ to be safe
I use ghulk. Sp1 heal block
Both are unique champs and both have their utility. If you play tier 11, tier 10 and higher than that then a 4s corvus wont help you much in war. An awakened corvus has shorter colldown time so yeahh it helps. Talking about hyperion, he is a great champ. Stack furies and launch sp3. **** tank. While awakened he gains power…
Use a r5 4s corvus with one or two charges. I used only 4 single revives to take the collector down. Be very agressive while playing and its easy.
Use it on Dr. vodoo. Void needs High sig level. So if you can level 30 or more him then do void else go with Dr. V