5* r4 AA or iceman???

Righto it’s time for my second r4. The only question is unduped iceman or unduped AA
I use my 4* Duped a


  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Depends. Iceman has double Immunity, Ice Armor, and good damage.
    AA does lots of damage and can get stun chains. Its up to you but personally, I would do AA
  • doom722doom722 Member Posts: 99
    Ice ice baby! Haha
    He's a great utility champ. Triple immune, over time damage, can take multiple l3s, burst damage with frostbite+heavy, evasion control.

    AA is very good but against bleed or poison immunes, he struggles. Also, his neuros are RNG dependent. That said everyone must have atleast one 5* r3 AA.
  • DemitriMDemitriM Member Posts: 303 ★★
    I agree with doom
  • DoonxDoonx Member Posts: 182
    Ice ice baby 😊
  • DoonxDoonx Member Posts: 182
    Iceman better all-around champ. Offense, defense, quests. Very useful champ. 👍
  • Saket_123Saket_123 Member Posts: 152
    Go AA man. You wont regret. He is a beast. And some day you will awaken him as well.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Honestly you can't go wrong either way. It comes down to what you need as an attacker/defender, what content you're working on, and which one you prefer fighting with.

    I would personally go with Iceman simply because I need immunity to finish exploring Act 5, and I already have good DOT and accuracy reduction champs at R4.
  • CiggathyCiggathy Member Posts: 4
    Dexman1349 wrote: »
    Honestly you can't go wrong either way. It comes down to what you need as an attacker/defender, what content you're working on, and which one you prefer fighting with.

    I would personally go with Iceman simply because I need immunity to finish exploring Act 5, and I already have good DOT and accuracy reduction champs at R4.

    I like the part or ice for act 5 as I’m hoping to 100% 5.3 and move onto 5.4.
    Now another question. Cap iw before iceman to r4 or I just got 5* void unduped like cap but I could hope for the science gem from 5.3
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