**May 8th - HOT FIX INCOMING**
Hey Summoners,
A Hot Fix will be pushed to all stores shortly. This will address a bug causing crashes on some iOS devices. Please keep an eye out and update when you're able.
Thank you!


  • https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/316111/ms-id-ui-ok-created-by-5-different-champions-merged/p1 This is a merged thread that discusses this issue in more depth and offers some potential workarounds to allow us to use some of the games features while avoiding the crashing and error message. Kabam is…
  • I.S.O. 15.7 is my operating system and device is iPod touch 7th generation. For the time being questing could still be done using the auto fight strategy mentioned above by Dozer78 but that really only works once because after the first time, once you log back in after crashing during a fight you no longer have the option…
  • I’m having the same issue and it’s occurring with all of the above listed champs. I’m on an iPod touch though so this problem isn’t limited to Samsung or any one particular brand of device. When it first started I filled out a bug report to Kabam and they eventually responded told me that this issue was widespread enough…
  • I’m getting tons of consistent quest halting crashes for the first time. I’ve never had this issue before. They’ll be at a particular prefight screen but it’ll happen every time I go to that screen so I can never advance past it.
  • iPod Touch 5th Generation Software: 14.2 All Game Modes When using Black Widow (Claire Voyant) game will consistently crash when initiating an sp3 attack or completing a fight in victory. Issue began with release of newest update.