TheNoob ★
They are both Science, i like to keep my roster diverse. But yea thing is a beast.
Even if i have a maxed out 4* void?
He would be sick af to have.
Android has update
I personally like ægon but I think Nick fury is still better.
Character to play - ægon Character in movies and comics - Spiderman
Reel means nothing
*It is 100% worth it, just absolutely amazing especially that CYCLOPS* * = sarcasm
They use the number 8 a lot in the quantities for the calendar because the number 8 is a lucky number to the Chinese.
Hmmmmm I wonder.....
She is I N S A N E.
Colossus is pretty close to my 1st favorite which is Iron Man IW.
I vote for @GluteusMaximus
Killmonger is really good.
I have one and his block is great and his plasma also does decent damage.
5* Iron Man IW is amazing.
Corvus will slice through everything.
They don’t work usually.
This is an awesome meme thread.
Corvus is insane.
Da faq
100% Tech 2 tech Ghost and Iron Man IW
Emma Frost