solmyrair ★
Ok… Got above team and boss in the front…can swap one and I believe this will be SS.. but swap onto what? Who tried what? Who’s the best hitter? I know I have HT but I’m average player.. who to bring to the team to have easier end as zero revives left unless I spend units…
Thanks for hint.. Got all of those champs so I will crack on probably tomorrow..😃
Which parts to chose and who’s the best counter on 7.4.6? What team to take?
7.4.5 done… I will wait with last one as not sure how to deal with that last boss…plus not sure which path is the easiest for initial run….
Any suggestions with boss 7.4.5? I’m after mister negative but not sure about counter.. CGR?
Act with science champs - Red Hulk…just smashing it
Quite tired and it’s late but need quick advise… 7.4.5 boss.. which one to chose to easy completion and who’s the best counter?
Got Sinister (duped now)…after Aegon one. Will complete robot soon and then illuminati….
Red Magneto
I still haven’t learnt how to play doom…. I’d go for CGR
Not even planning to complete these objectives.. 15 days left and last 5 days I’m barely logging in (considering previous months I’ve been in game few hours a day). One of the most boring months I can remember. 😑
No need. 15 points done, I’m not aiming to get shards/sig stones.
I’m done. 15 points milestone reached, I personally don’t see A NEED to go for more. 😃
Thanks No more arenas then…
Just ranked R3 today.. Using him quite often and never disappointed
Where is that information coming from? I know it’s Twitter but is it confirmed? Also do we know anything more what kind of buffs they will get? Will be the overhaul or just a small buff? Anyone could confirm please?
I have different dilemma.. got TB few days ago and not sure what to do now.. loosing a little bit interest.. Past couple of months I’ve been chasing TB title, once I got it I don’t see much difference (apart of updated daily crystal and extended glory shop)…😑
Blade - AA G2099 - Red Magneto Purgatory - AA It was quite easy to be fair..but still got few paths 3.1 quest…. Some of them are annoying
3 paths left only:-) Variant 7 almost explored.😃
Thanks guys.. will focus on Variant 7 then. :-)
Hero champs.. mystic is the one I’m going to struggle with. The rest should be fine to go for V7… I believe…
It’s harder than previous ones but not too hard. Just need specific roster.
I’ve done first paths with roster adequate to the defenders and taken him off with either - Archangel or Magneto (with units). Last 4 paths as I didn’t want to use anymore units I took a risk and went with Aegon (even poison one path). I feel sorry I didn’t use him from the beginning.. poison has been shrugged off, damage…
Cleared last 4 parts with Aegon.. no issues.
I found him more difficult that Sentinel.. What about Aegon? Would it work (purify poison debuff)?
Yeah.. I’m talking about cavaliers... shame can’t access it.. I’m so close to R3 one of 6* but every time I pull one I’m getting different one from one I’m close to complete......
I’ve got 7 entries.. should I understand if I join and fail I will lose one or not?
Talking about LOL I have two paths done but as game progresses there’s no so much point to do 100%... anyone hear some rumours if LOL rewards will be adjusted?