xDeThDealer ★
We are filling up for gold 1 (last season we played finished top part of Gold 2 and we ran 2 war groups for 6 of the battles) so filling up for g1 and push to platinum. Map5 aq we are relaxed but competitive. In game name xDeTHDealer
Sent friend request in game but I know its middle of the night there so hopefully will hear from you in the morning thanks!
Hit me up we currently have player in that time zone and have had others works fine for us. Would love to have you if you are good with activity in war and aq.. in game name xDeTHDealer and alliance name DeTH Marauders...
Sent you an in game friend request. Would love your experience and skill 80% of our team been together for a year or more. We are stable few spots to fill.
Are you still looking? We are recruiting DeTH Marauders
We are recruiting would be a good fit.. DeTH Marauders ign xDeTHDealer
We are recruiting now for 10k + think we might be a good fit whats your in game id? Or yoi can search me xDeTHDealer
If you are 10k plus prestige and capable of tier 7 or better war and in a gold 3 or worse alliance now is the time to change.
Was supposed to say in game alliance name lol
Hit me up! XDeTHDealer in America alliance name DeTH Maruaders. We run minimum of 555 in aq 225 to 250+ million points. And Gold 1 in war! Looking for strong players to replace a few good ones leaving. Have immediate spot open.. line id jdmac_palehorse
My line Id is jdmac_palehorse . Game id xDeTHDealer
@Narukamii i sent friend request in game and invite
Yes thats possible do you use line?
We were Gold 2 last season and moving up.
Nvm just now realizing can't use on blade. Saved that thing forever lol