I would like to see more detailed information on the account sharing and piloting politics, this is a great way to keep alliances even and fair during AW season but to me the definitions and punishments that are started are really cryptic aren’t really explained enough and need more details for players to understand. It is stated the punishment and enforcement of a player caught doing these acts with great detail and what to expect if said unprofessional, cheating players get caught and is very understandable. The posting also details the importance of keeping things fair and equal for everyone during AW season and that they will take action if the player or players is caught cheating. That’s all understandable and great, the only thing that isn’t detailed is the whole alliance punishment if there is just one person not playing the game as attended. Only question is that I have is how and why is this implemented towards whole alliances if leaders/officers have no way to screen new recruits before they are taken in? I could understand if you have 30 teammates that cheat to get to the top but what about having 29 honest hard working players that are punished for one persons that considered fair to punish them, it’s not clear in the post of how this is figured up, seems like alliances will be judged as a whole because of one bad I was just wondering how this would benefit the alliances or the structure of war when what your trying to maintain for the teams really isn’t maintained at all...a lot of good peoples going to take the fall and not be happy. The piloting and cheating players to me seem to have a advantage if they want to sabotage a good alliance, because cheaters take satisfaction in causing havoc, and there really hard to rehab into fair, honest players. Just wanted to know why the punishment on whole teams, maybe a little more detailed then what was in the post and how this was figured fair?, not sure if it was left out or overlooked when the post was put up. Would definitely like to have a moderator to fill in the blanks and make sense of it. This is a legit question that I would like answered, does not state of any bans, nor players, nor alliances...just a general question that isn’t explained in depth on the account sharing and piloting post. Thank you for your time and understanding, and please let a moderator answer the question because they know for a fact what the true set in stone answer is, they wrote the post.
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Ideal solution for Kabam would be to ban detected cheaters from entering war till let's say end of the season, like they prevent arena botters from entering arena
So my question is if alliance got caught cheating and moved down and still the same people are playing the game including ( and thats what every alli says that gets punished) " that 1 person " that broke the rules, how can i know that they didnt cheat against my alli aswell and so taking the win and rewards away from us.
We are not the best players but we do our best and we play fair and use boosts and all other stuff if necessary and we dont pilot but still we get punished matching those alliances.
So now instead being in plat3 for the first time we are back in gold1 .
We lost atleast 2 win bonuses , atleast 1k 5* shards from not winning wars and the difference of end of season gold1 to plat3 rewards.
So Kabam and all you cheating/ piloting alliances ..... what about us?
If a player doesn't contribute fairly to an Event because they decide to violate our Terms of Service by cheating in any way, their actions allow the entire Alliance to achieve a result and Rewards that otherwise may not have been possible. If it's possible that the cheating actions of one player can lead to the entire Alliance gaining Rewards that they may not have if that person had played fairly, then it just makes sense that the entire Alliance should be punished for that player's cheating actions.
I understand that by not knowing exactly who cheated, other Alliance members can become frustrated. However, it has always been our policy to not disclose the names of any players who we find to have cheated in the game or disclose details of any investigations which we have carried out. Regardless of whether or not you agree with this policy, it's not something which is up for discussion or debate on these Forums.
Now that clarification has been provided on these points, I'll go ahead and close this thread.