Map 5 Hype Mini Boss Options



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  • Vicious_DeliciousVicious_Delicious Member Posts: 33
    Pure money grab. Day 1 and guys can't get past the mini. Magik gotta wait out till emphatic lock is done and hope hyperion throws specials in between. Which is BS. Can't even imagine what day 4 - 5 is gonna feel like.
  • RigidRigid Member Posts: 152
    Gmonkey said:

    Used stark for first one very easy have blade so you can taunt. Second one oscillate sucks he will not throw heavy even taunted. Map 5 should not be this hard it should be for 5/50 to 4/55 champs since we have map 6 and 7. For 4/55 and up.
    Not sure the goal of Kabam after one of the worst months in ages, with summer here in North America it is much easier to take a break so things should be increasing engagement not decreasing it.

    It should challenge 5/50 and 4/55 but as is days one and two seem to be where that will end. That is with us taking turns chipping him down.
  • kfd2010kfd2010 Member Posts: 423 ★★
    They need to get rid of the oscillate node. It's a terrible fight with it. Can do well at first, he switches to the armor end of oscillate, gets a sp3, and you're done. It's awful.

    Maybe Magik could have a shot, but unfortunately, mine is always on War D so she's never going to be available and I don't feel like wasting resources on my 4* one just for this fight
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  • Blev19Blev19 Member Posts: 24
    I think there should be a spending boycott, they don't deserve anyones money for this trash they've been releasing
  • dynastyhowldynastyhowl Member Posts: 45
    Very tricky fight with few counters especially the second oscillate hyperion. Want to point out Iceman doesn't work for tanking sp3s. The empathetic lock fate seals the ice armor and I never got it back during the course of the fight. Im gonna have to bring luke and sym sup, both have sp3 tanking abilities.
  • Bear3Bear3 Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    Alli mate used doc oc and took him down only losing about 1/3 of his health... since his power lock doesn’t require bars of power the power lock you start with doesn’t affect doc oc ability to power lock. ✌🏻
  • J_ROCK123J_ROCK123 Member Posts: 7
    Would MODOK be a good option? His S1 reverses power gain so its easy to get to and lots of people have a maxed 4* already for war?
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    @J_ROCK123 Once the 1st 20 seconds have past and you've gained a bar of power. Maybe. However at a higher Prestige, gonna be a LONG fight with a 4* M.O.D.O.K.
  • Swimmer15Swimmer15 Member Posts: 118
    LC is pure luck, last fight no exhaustions up when went red, spite triggered off indestructible.
  • LogarooLogaroo Member Posts: 100
    In regards to LC, during the empathetic lock he cant get indestructible so you need Hype to be throwing specials until thats done.
    I was able to use stark spidey fairly effectively. The empathetic lock helped in that I didn't get any dex charges when I was building poise. Plus he can heavy/power drain. Overall not a fun fight though. Second hype once he hits armor phase is going to l3 you since he just refuses to attack/special.
  • smy168smy168 Member Posts: 242 ★★
    edited June 2019
    What happened to the original thread about Hyp?
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  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    I have used she hulk with mixed results...took down day 1 hype 1 but couldn't get a single fury against hype 2 before he got to his armour phase and got sp3' 2 I fought the second hype with her and got 2 or 3 fury before he got to his armour phase and that helped me to draw out his specials even under armour phase and I got him down
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  • LAZYgamer_79LAZYgamer_79 Member Posts: 2
    Me and my alliance is done with aq unless some changes are made to this new mini boss his abilities are completely ridiculous and rewards are definitely not worth the cost
  • LAZYgamer_79LAZYgamer_79 Member Posts: 2
    Something has to change
  • CaptainDonCaptainDon Member Posts: 74
    You can also consider She Hulk against Hyperion :) Her SP1 & SP2 will definitely help you.
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★

    You can also consider She Hulk against Hyperion :) Her SP1 & SP2 will definitely help you.

    Finally a fellow she hulk user
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hey everybody! Just posted this in another thread, but I figure we'd update you here as well:

    Thank you for your patience. We're sorry we haven't replied earlier, but we can't really reply until we have something to share.

    We've taken your feedback to the team, and they agree that this Hyperion is more difficult than we'd like it to be. So, for the next series of Alliance Quests, we're going to be implementing some changes.

    - Stepping Down Empathic Lock 3 to Empathic Lock 1(on both minibosses)
    - Replacing Oscillate. We are not locked on what this is going to change into yet.

    These are not yet final, but we will let you know the final details before it goes live.
  • willy_kmcwilly_kmc Member Posts: 60
    I haven't played this Hyperion Map5 yet, but i think Red Hulk will be fine right?
    Since if you managed to block SP1 of Hyp, that's equivalent to almost free 2 or 3 free heat charges.
    And that fate seal debuffs active effects, but not passive. So Red Hulk can't lose his heat charges due to the drop of every 10% hp.

    With a little bit of skill, i think Red Hulk might be the one.
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