New Rebalance/Nefr?? What u think?

They are just [Removed by Mod] with us...I am really getting mad! First of all I am trying to do all of the quest to get as much rewards as possible, spending units like crazy to get it done, surely like everybody else..and I started to make records of my drops, for last half year I haven’t recieved any atleast demigod tier champion, 90% were 2014-2015...and if not it was Diablo or some **** like this....I got my Namor and Cull from featured cavs so I was really really happy with these pulls..I used my awakening gems, sig stones and rank them to rank 5! So I finally have something good for questing and I am pretty happy about it because 5* were really bad for me so now I have 2 only good champions at R5 and they want to nerf/REBALANCE them?? Sorry but this is not fair! And the fact I opened 30+ 5* and none of them were worth rank up makes it even worse...they give you bad champions, so you keep grinding quests, spending units in furious chase for 5-6* shards in vision of having fine drop like aegon, fury, omega etc but all u get is meme tier....this fact of bad drops made me thinking about stop playing this game but as most of u guys here I still have a small hope of that these odds of bad 5* will change...and now all I can read about is that the only joy on my account I get on R5 is gonna get nerf or rebalance? Srsly how much money you need to make to stop making this??? 1.4b in one cyber weekend and you still need to make hard for us? So we spent more?
they think it is easy to ramp up Cull? ( it is really not in endgame content!!!! ) and Namor takes very good practice and time to be good with him!
Please stop!!! Make sure what u are releasing before you release it! We pay you alot of money so make a team who will test new champs enough so this wont happen again! Because it is nonsense if you make GODTIER champions just to MAKE people spent thousands of units on getting them and then maxing them out ( because they are godtier ) and after half year you nerf them?? When everybody spent all resources on them? Who give me back 10k units I spent on getting this namor? Not even RDT is enough as a compensation if you do anything to these champions!!!!!
they think it is easy to ramp up Cull? ( it is really not in endgame content!!!! ) and Namor takes very good practice and time to be good with him!
Please stop!!! Make sure what u are releasing before you release it! We pay you alot of money so make a team who will test new champs enough so this wont happen again! Because it is nonsense if you make GODTIER champions just to MAKE people spent thousands of units on getting them and then maxing them out ( because they are godtier ) and after half year you nerf them?? When everybody spent all resources on them? Who give me back 10k units I spent on getting this namor? Not even RDT is enough as a compensation if you do anything to these champions!!!!!
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if someone is spending cash on this game for enjoyment and knowing they don't technically "own" the item they have purchased.
it can still be quite frustrating to have this looming uncertainty that a champion that brings them enjoyment(reason for cash spend) is being changed to an unknown degree.
as much as i disagree with those with pedantic responses, they have a point in saying its best we wait for Kabam to announce the actual changes, i just wish they had a bit more tact in delivering this message.
He was never included on the list in the past so to include him now is the same underhanded thing that was being done that was making people frustrated 2-3 months ago which delayed the process.
Also I don’t care about balance changes in general but if we are going to be doing regular balance changes decreasing the worth of a champ then champ specific rank downs need to be a part of that process for every champ that is changed. Materials are too scarce to leave it to Kabam to decided when a change is enough to allow players to undo a move they made prior to that change. If kabam lowers the value of a champ then players need the ability to evaluate how that change fits into there roster needs and it shouldn’t be a punishment to them because they didn’t build the champ properly and decided to change the champ. Also that’s an individual players choice on the new worth of that champ not Kabam’s.
This doesn’t cover the money investment part(luckily I’m f2p so no need to worry for me) but covers the should I be worried about ranking this awesome champ I just pulled because I see the nerf hammer coming in the distance