OG Hulk bug

So basically, hulk has an 85% chance to stun on all special attacks. By pairing him with OG black widow, he is supposed to gain an additional 20-25% chance to stun on special attacks. If this is a flat addition, he should have a 105-110% chance to stun on special attacks. If this is a compound addition, he should have a 102-106.25% chance to stun on special attacks. In any scenario, he should be landing the stun every single time he throws a special attack unless his ability accuracy is being decreased in some way. However, this is simply not the case. He is landing the stun like 85% of the time WITH the OG black widow synergy. Without said synergy, it feels more like 60%. So either Hulk himself is bugged, or the synergy is bugged, or both, but either way, if and when it does get fixed, he better be landing that stun 100% of the time (unless he's affected by AAR at least).
If you're wondering why I'm complaining about OG Hulk of all characters being bugged, check out this video and you'll see why it's such a nuisance.
If you're wondering why I'm complaining about OG Hulk of all characters being bugged, check out this video and you'll see why it's such a nuisance.

I've even tested Og Hulk with the She Hulk + DD synergy that adds another +15% and he still doesn't stun 100% of the time. The She Hulk synergy says it ADDS 15% stun ability acc which is either 85+15 = 100 or 15% of 85 which is 12.75. So 12.75 + 85 = 97.75 and he feels like he's not stunning way more than 2.25% of the time.
So if the 85% roll doesn’t hit, you still have a 25% chance (of that remaining original 15%) as a 2nd chance. Which basically adds only another 3.75% chance onto the original 85, making overall 88.75% chance to stun on SP.
Two completely separate events.
So let's switch the order to what you used.
25% chance first roll stuns, so 75% chance it does not.
So of that 75% failed odds, 2nd roll has 85% chance of success (.75 * .85 = .6375). Then add that to the first roll of 25% and you come out with same .8875 chance as I mentioned when I originally calculated with different order of the rolls (.85 first, then .25).