War Group mismatch

One of my former alliance members and a friend of mine started an alliance a little while ago and were doing well for a newbie alliance.
Until this happend.

How the he'll does an alliance that's only 600k+ with an average member of 21k, get matched against a 6 mill plus alliance with an average member of 300k+.
This an other instances have shown us that the match making system that kabam has is completely broken and riddicouls, and needs an complete overhaul.
What's the worst alliance mismatch you've had, maybe we can get them all together and show kabam how broken their system is though I doubt it'll do much or anything yet except show them what many of us know
Until this happend.

How the he'll does an alliance that's only 600k+ with an average member of 21k, get matched against a 6 mill plus alliance with an average member of 300k+.
This an other instances have shown us that the match making system that kabam has is completely broken and riddicouls, and needs an complete overhaul.
What's the worst alliance mismatch you've had, maybe we can get them all together and show kabam how broken their system is though I doubt it'll do much or anything yet except show them what many of us know
Sorry that happened to your friend, but their opponents are probably just as annoyed to be wasting their time.
Having to face an alliance that's 10x bigger than yours who's average member is almost 15x bigger than yours is riddicouls.
They need to revamp the match making system, it should factor the alliance rating, the total member rating and spit out one that's close to yours instead of just going by the war rating by itself.
I see people all the time talking about how they get matched against alliances who are way bigger than them and that they have no hope of winning.
Kabam's logic in this in is flawed , let's say the same thing happens to you if your a leader and you get matched up with an alliance who's 10-20x + higher and have no hope of winning it.
Yeah they would have to, and not really if it takes everything into account it would put them against an even, almost even stronger or weaker alliance where there's a better chance to win and be competitive.
By having it just war rating based all kinds of things could happen, you can get matched up against way stronger alliances or way weaker ones.
There's always people saying they need to do something about the war matches, and besides they are constantly changing things I wouldn't be surprised if they changed war to
Does that make sense? Seems like it would do a lot to fix this problem in the future.
Thanks for the well thought our suggestion! I'm going to make sure the team sees this.
It could be a terrible idea too. After your war rating evens out to where you should be, you're constantly going to get matchups that are very similar to you. As it is, you beat other alliances on 2-3 win streaks when you're climbing, then you get blown up by stronger alliances in 2-3 loss streaks when you're falling. Over the long term, it's about a 50% win rate. AW is already monotonous because of this, and the shards you get are basically just based on participation. My suggestion could make it even more tedius. It's worth discussing, I suppose. No way to know how it would work out until you look at it.
You're welcome.
As I see it, the system matches based on 3 factors. Alliance Rating, Average Player Rating, and War Rating. It all depends on the closest Match that is searching at that time. The default seems to be War Rating. If the Ally/Average Rating is not close at the time we Match, it defaults to War Rating. That's my understanding, anyway.
I agree. Im in tier 1. It is just tedius. War rating doesnt work anymore. Needs to be redone. You win 3 then lose 3 then win 3 then lose 3. Its quite boring and annoying. A little waste of time when you are on the start of the lose streak. You know you have at least 2 more losses coming...
Take away tiers and initiate something new i say