Wasted resources.. cheaters

While I applaud Kabam starting to crack down on piloting they still need to do more against modding. We just fought an alliance in tier 3 that was clearly modding. Not taking damage while facing unavoidable damage and clearing linked nodes in seconds. So all the boosts and potions the alliance spent was a waste. I've blown my fair share of money on the game and don't mind spending when it's MY choice but not happy about being robbed. We sent in tickets and of course we received the typical response and the case was closed. Please Kabam add modding to the list of things to crack down on, it's hard to feel good about spending money on a game that allows cheaters to break the integrity of the game.
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This was pretty clear cheating but I get your point. Some fights I don't lose much health or any but it takes a couple minutes at least.
Its pretty obvious sometimes. Like seeing a 3/30 kill a 6* green goblin on increased regen node. Even assuming you have maxed utility masteries unless they have the right champ (like an aa) its impossible to do that.
That reddit alliance mocks you laughs in your face and get the rewards while we got nothing but a we cant tell you the results of the investigation from support. Its hard to see this alliance still playing two months after we faced them. We watched the group. No player was banned during first month of watching just the 300 war drop. We stopped watching after that. Whats the point
We do not comment on ongoing investigations, so we know why this might look like nothing has happened. That doesn't mean that it is the case. Our team is on it, but we cannot say any more than that.
Gotta shut this thread down now, because the forums are not the place to discuss this.