Get rid of censor and here is why......(Includes Alternative to getting rid of it)

Censor is useless it doesn't do as intended and it makes people go to other apps to not deal with how bad it is. Examples of how it doesn't work....well like censors "i thought you couldn't cook" yes your censor censors that phrase. Another examples include the following
1. But
2. i am too
3. i have line
4. i dont have line
5. i know too many bands
6. i am
7. i have discord
8. i dont have discord
There are many more but it has come to my attention that censor is useless in what it is here are words that are not censored... Examples include
3. Other languages that are curses
4. sometimes bad words aren't censored which is weird
5. any type of violence
Now to me it feels like whoever softwared the censor is immature in a way and it deeply concerns me as to why some words aren't censored. But censoring innocent words? what is that about? Censor is useless in my opinion therefore we should get rid of it from the game. Now i know what you are thinking what about the kids that play it? I got a solution get a censor option to where we can switch it on and off and edit what we want censored and we don't want censored. That is the alternative to getting rid of it. Like the censor can be a button to switch on and off like the global chat when you switch that on and off.
Thanks for the time listening to my opinion and what i observed about your censor..have a good day!! If anyone has other words they have seen censored please comment below!!
1. But
2. i am too
3. i have line
4. i dont have line
5. i know too many bands
6. i am
7. i have discord
8. i dont have discord
There are many more but it has come to my attention that censor is useless in what it is here are words that are not censored... Examples include
3. Other languages that are curses
4. sometimes bad words aren't censored which is weird
5. any type of violence
Now to me it feels like whoever softwared the censor is immature in a way and it deeply concerns me as to why some words aren't censored. But censoring innocent words? what is that about? Censor is useless in my opinion therefore we should get rid of it from the game. Now i know what you are thinking what about the kids that play it? I got a solution get a censor option to where we can switch it on and off and edit what we want censored and we don't want censored. That is the alternative to getting rid of it. Like the censor can be a button to switch on and off like the global chat when you switch that on and off.
Thanks for the time listening to my opinion and what i observed about your censor..have a good day!! If anyone has other words they have seen censored please comment below!!
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1. This quest is hard
2. this is hard
3. hard
4. other app names
Among various other ridiculous, non vulgar words.
its sad they have no idea what vulgar really is and can't define it ...
yeah even the number 69 is censored when you mention shards or whatever
Yes, random normal numbers that I didn't know where meaning anything in any way. Very annoying when talking about war. I guess it's to stop people from sharing pin info and phone numbers or something like that.
well if that is the intent it isn't
lol and that can be a loophole sadly but true
Iț prøbablý dœsn'ţ cęncoř tħ, I'm tired of typing like this already. I'm not trying to see if it works, but I'm assuming it will.
yeah it gets very annoying
yeah you cant say ....without it censoring
Was censored in a dungeon the other day.
very unusual
"If you want me to take the left side then let me know"
and the software censored it, I guess because I wrote "if you want me"??
the censor has a dirty mind it appears..whoever softwared.....hmmmm LOL
thats what it appears to me at least
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