Aaronc94 ★★
RNG should be removed from loyalty store, is ridiculous, also the revives from glory store should be increased, is useless being able to buy only one revive every 8 days
This is ridiculous, another day without l1 revive, ofc there's something wrong going on, is really hard to keep doing AW and AQ without them
Is ridiculous, the game is broken since long ago and when we most need then, they disappear :|
Health pot, t5 cc and some times t1 alpha or t4b
I still have problems , i got wrecked by bishop on map 7, with his buff is harder and we're still adapting and with bugs is really awful
and there are some mercs left, arxem, gonzamaldo, etcdans THANK YOU KABAM for banning one of the biggest Merc in Latin comunity Commentaire de Aaronc94 juin 2021
i ranked him even unduped and my apocalypse is only 5* r5, in ur case is a no brainer, i enjoy them both so much The fast and easy going damage of cable is amazing
i understand u so much, i grinded more than a year searching for him, opening dual crystals, regular ones, and any kind of crystal that gives me a better chance to get him, keep your patience, it'll be worth the wait
I use an iphone 11, the regular one, not pro, and it works really good, sometimes i have some freezes and i need to restart the game but that's while i'm switching apps, if i play continuesly at arena, i rarely have a problem, ur best option is iphone, there's no doubt
It depends, i have cable r2 and emma at r5, cable is great because of his degen, (fast, easy and great damage) also as a horseman he's amazing for caltrops, emma have way more utility, immunity practically to everything, counter evade champs, good damage, and she doesn't need synergies to be great, but to be honest, i just…
Mole man
Well, imo she-hulk have more utility, but those big degen numbers from cable are really fun, i have cable at r2 and i enjoy him a lot, also if u use apocalypse the cable synergie is great, i only have abyss left to do and have never used she hulk, she isnt indispensable, go for whoever you enjoy more
that's totally true, i just do 1 fight with my 5* along with my cable, the rest of the quest i don't use him at all, u must go for Omega, and that's not true at all, ur omega will be as strong as a 5*, but cause of his brute damage and not his spores, anyway, he's still really useful and a great champ and in the long run…
We don't need relics at the moment, we are far from getting a rank 5 6* and even when that time arrives, why don't they introduce an item to keep progressing our 6*, a rebirth, promotion, New ranks or any other idea, not relics that gives bonuses in exchange of cash
I just did a test with my rank 3 signature 60 and my rank 5 signature 200, both of them against rol winter soldier with sabretooth and wolverine synergies , they both ended the fight in the same time, 1:15 - 1:20 but the rank 3 did it in less hits, the lack of damage on his spores u will get them from his regular hits and…
you should rank apocalypse first, and as others already said, invest all your stones on omega, i have omega red as 5* x200 and i just ranked 3 my 6* signature 60 cause i plan to invest those 50 signature stones from carinas challenge :) it isn't the "best" option cause his signature is low and u also have apocalypse, but…
Corvus at sig 1 is better, but if u're looking for prestige then go for Monkey
Over the years of existance of MCOC, gears/relics have been discussed several times, the majority of us DONT WANT this
A little of everything, have a 5* r5 ghost and a 6* r2, also have ant man as 6* and he should be better, is a no brainer for me XD
Well, is really hard to obtain a 6* signature x200, if u need prestige and you'll focus on obtain apocalypse i would go for storm, otherwise professor
I'm already thronebreaker, its for fun i guess xD
Well, u'll need to rank them all to explore it with the less waste possible, i would rank them in your listed order: 1.- Quake 2.- Ghost 3.- G99
thanks guys, i think i will save 5k, also are torch, fury, aegon and symbiote the best team available for easy path?
Quake and Cap IW
It depends on how far u're in the contest, time ago it was great for me on some paths of act 6, also on monthly quests he's still useful, now at days i only use him in aq, if u're a suicide user he's still amazing for aq map 6 even 7, if u're not i wouldn't rank him up, don't know if a 6* r3 is good enough for act 7
no thanks, u need to achieve it, that's all, i don't spend in game and i'm already thronebreaker, did all variants and explored act 6 100% to obtain it, why someone that just completed act 6 can obtain the same rewards we all worked like crazy to gain?, even if the price gets lower in the next days, it isn't fair imo
i went with fury, captain marvel movie and quake, it was really easy
I explored all variants, act 6 and act 7.1, but abyss is the easiest way
if Angela were awakaned, i would rank her without doubt, but her utility comes from her signature and also it should be as high as possible, so i would wait
and even as a suicide user XD