Do you think cable is worth R3 if I already have Apoc at R3

Title says it all. I have an extra mutant T5 ATM thanks to gauntlet and my apoc is already r3 and my warlock is already r3 who has a nice synergy with cable as well so heavily leaning towards doing it just don't want it to not be worth it so wanted to get some opinions. Also my cable is already duped and r2 as well.
I know I could hold it and wait to pull like professor x or something but that will probably take forever especially since when I finish exploring abyss I'm probably picking cosmic for my nexus choice.
I know I could hold it and wait to pull like professor x or something but that will probably take forever especially since when I finish exploring abyss I'm probably picking cosmic for my nexus choice.
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Personally, I would rank him, as mutants are pretty spoiled with dupes and sigs, but Cable is whole package unduped. And he is great duo with Warlock.
The fast and easy going damage of cable is amazing
Okay I think I've talked myself into r3ing him if I don't pull any other worthwhile mutants while I'm waiting for all the t4 mutant cats I need