Austin555555 ★★★★★
Can we buff champions who need a buff first who have yet to receive one? Because groot is in desperate need of one
Here’s my pull
I was only able to get the 5*.
This is the first time in a while I wanted to grind for a champion so yes.
You gave me hope. Thank you.
She is a combo based champ. I do t think I would recommend using her in necro because you can’t take a single hit without having to reset the combo. Plus with those crazy high health pools, it would just be easier to use Ægon
I’ve never thought I’d see someone who had the same idea.
I’d rather it be a collector crystal. Love trying get 2*s I don’t have
Here’s all my champs i ascended.
Ok I see see. I just don’t read enough. Sorry for flooding the forums
Unreleased the champion is seriously game breaking broken, I’d rather have kabam focus on making older champions more viable. Still waiting on moon knight and groot. Groot desperately needs that overhaul
I hope his sig ability is called it’s morbin time
Dang. I forgot about that.
How and when groot gets a buff. That’s all I wantdans What would you like to see covered in a future livestream? Commentaire de Austin555555 mai 2023
Dang. That sucks. I was really hoping to get an Optimus primal profile pic.
America Chavez, squirrel girl,terrax. All fun to play
So the new 1* disappeared. Did kabam release something in an update that wasn’t supposed to go out just yet?
I’m hoping we all can get him soon. I want that 1*. I’m just throwing this out there but what if this means he could be getting buffed this year. Just speculation.
Funny enough, I opened one and he wasn’t in the crystal. At least not yet
I’m hopeful she will get added early next year or maybe surprise us with white tiger in December, but all there is now is to just hope.
Yeah. I just don’t know how to use half of them because I’ve been not playing much. I wanna get back into the game and learn more and more about these champs
I didn’t vote for the class. I voted on me liking the character. I’m still gonna be salty about it.
Yes. Because adding to the most stacked class in the game is gonna help.
I just need some good options to beef up my mystic champs. Here’s my top mystics for a reference
Same. I don’t even know who he is. I’m not gonna be exited for a character I have no knowledge of.
Because the cosmic class is the favorite child
I mean, it would be cool if they pulled out the surprise card and brought her alongside gladiator.
Yeah. Because we definitely needed another overpowered cosmic added who’s gonna basically be Hercules 2.0
Here’s mine. And all maxed out too
It would be nice to get one in 2023 since GOTG3 is releasing soon. Maybe he gets a buff when it releases