Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • This is honestly the only Onslaught AI I have ever faced. The King of holding onto a special until I go to attack and then he special intercepts me.
  • Thank you for everything. Even if we disagreed at times or I didn't like the things you said and did, I do and have appreciated everything you've done for the game and community. I wish you the best for the future.
  • I see no offer but an Alliance member was able to get it.
  • I can think of three things to do with potions off the top of my head. Are they all perfectly formulated thoughts? No, feasibility would need to be explored and tweaked but there's possibility. 1.) Your progression title gives you a constant boost that increases the amount of healing received through consumables. Now every…
    dans Potions re-work Commentaire de Darkness275 25 avril
  • Before you even posted I knew this would be referenced. Classic. Amazing moment.
  • Simplest way I've come to think of it is: "Defender always wins." Not in the sense of "which character is the attacker and which character is the defender" but more in the sense of: active action vs passive effect. Active action: "Always Crits", "Causes Bleed", "Applies poison", etc... Passive effect: "Cannot crit", "Bleed…
  • This seems to work until you swap masteries again.
  • I absolutely shat on this side quest and have done so for the previous ones as well. I am immensely opposed to this new style and trend, but this response from Kabam is legitimately what we've been complaining about. They heard all our complaints, responded in a timely manner and did so in a way that - while it doesn't…
  • 71 individual 7* champions - including both Deathless champions, Maestro, Morbius, Civil Warrior and Platinumpool. Sig 80 - 1 Sig 60 - 3 Sig 40 - 9 Sig 20 - 25 One of my sig 20s is Platinumpool and Deathless Guillotine is another.
  • I voted Dani, it encouraged me to learn her special timing and that opened the fight up. Dani was the "better" designed fight which made me feel more accomplished when I beat it. But Hulkling was the more "fun" fight.
  • It's really not though. It's not completely new. This isn't a one-off. The side quests have become increasingly convoluted. The "style" may change but the premise is the same. Do an objective to get an entry into side quest A. Complete side quest A to go into side quest B. Complete objectives in side quest B for rewards.…
  • This is honestly ridiculous. Does anyone actually enjoy these increasingly convoluted side quests and additional steps and layers? Why are you creating opportunities for players to fail. Because that’s all this is doing.
  • They didn't specify that it's "basic pool", "excluding Trophies" etc. They actually emphasized "every. single." multiple times. Sounded like they're giving away every single one that's available - so if you can set your game to 6* and someone shows up, the account who wins should get them.
  • CCP members themselves have often said that they don't really act as a beta-test for Kabam. Many CCP members don't even play around with some of the new champions, let alone reworked champions. It's also a very small pool. While we complain, the greater player base is often the best testing ground Kabam has because it's a…
  • No need to guess, devs have outright stated this. It's also why they're bottlenecking T4a to stop R3 progression, because R2 7* came way too quickly. They're actively doing everything they can to not have it so 8* need to be released in the next two years.
  • Nah, at some point things will just be inverted. Nodes will make our 2* and 1* characters much more powerful. The day will come where Steve rules the contest!!!!
  • Thank you. Genuinely. If this isn't some April fools joke, this is an amazing pro-player move Kabam. Thank you so much. The associated cost is fine, it's not unreasonable at all, yeah there may be loadout modifications that are cheaper but if so - just do it manually. This potentially saves units as well as time. Huge win.…
  • The energy damage healing him also isn't a huge issue, because he only heals for a portion of the energy damage so you're still doing a net gain. Yes, it's annoying and makes the fight longer, but it's not like you're doing 0 damage. Is the healing an issue if you have no good counters? Yeah, because if the AI doesn't…
  • I do agree, which is why I had story events/everest content/stores/solo objectives and such be what distribute small amounts of everything. We already have some objectives (Alliance events or Solo events) give away a sprinkle of everything: Summoner Engagement: Incursions. You can gain points in this by playing any game…
  • Photon, Serpent and Destroyer each have a mechanic where you can counter/avoid it. Whether it's to well-timed block a section of the special, dex a specific section of it and block the others or whatever. Sure, it's still likely chip damage, but there's management. Some champions have very small dex windows, so it seems…
  • Deathless Diablo He doesn't drink his potions, he throws them and they create gaseous areas. If ingested by the opponent, they cause various effects. One of them applies a 300% Spectre passive (yeah, I said it). Another applies a fisticuffs-like passive but it doesn't effect Diablo. One applies a power-siphon passive.…