Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

So are we gonna fix this onslaught ai?

MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Posts: 1,038 ★★★★
Absolutely ridiculous. Can't even intercept this guy and he somehow has the speed and iq of a god with all these special intercepts but yet he chases me all the way into the corner just trying to bait a special. Atrocious fight, I'd say it's worse than abs could ever dream of bein


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    Darkness275Darkness275 Posts: 829 ★★★★
    This is honestly the only Onslaught AI I have ever faced.

    The King of holding onto a special until I go to attack and then he special intercepts me.
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    BringPopcornBringPopcorn Posts: 3,529 ★★★★★

    Now everything is worse than Abs lol

    I gotta say it. Abs had super annoying unstoppable and regen but at least you can counter it. Even with infuriate and taunt this dude does not throw a special until I'm back against the wall with crush
    Well there is people who 1 shot it, people who used 1-10 revives, people who used 10+...
    Keep trying; but its nowhere close to being as bad as Abs specially with the Robot objective.
    Bro what, robot obj was 10x easier than dkg. This is easily the worst fight so far.
    No way...
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    MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Posts: 1,038 ★★★★

    Now everything is worse than Abs lol

    I gotta say it. Abs had super annoying unstoppable and regen but at least you can counter it. Even with infuriate and taunt this dude does not throw a special until I'm back against the wall with crush
    Well there is people who 1 shot it, people who used 1-10 revives, people who used 10+...
    Keep trying; but its nowhere close to being as bad as Abs specially with the Robot objective.
    Bro what, robot obj was 10x easier than dkg. This is easily the worst fight so far.
    I agree. The nodes aren't challenging, and with some time you can full yellow bar if it wasn't for the most annoying ai in the entire game
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    MagrailothosMagrailothos Posts: 5,568 ★★★★★

    Now everything is worse than Abs lol

    I gotta say it. Abs had super annoying unstoppable and regen but at least you can counter it. Even with infuriate and taunt this dude does not throw a special until I'm back against the wall with crush
    Well there is people who 1 shot it, people who used 1-10 revives, people who used 10+...
    Keep trying; but its nowhere close to being as bad as Abs specially with the Robot objective.
    Bro what, robot obj was 10x easier than dkg. This is easily the worst fight so far.
    Only if you had Viv Vision ranked up. Any other robot was terrible.
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    Archit_1812Archit_1812 Posts: 86
    dude, I tried my Photon against this guy. Bro walled and held block for at least half a minute before i risked a heavy on his block. I continued to do it till he got over 1 bar of power. Still walled and blocking smh. So i heavyed again and again but still couldnt bait sp1 or sp2. the only time he moved was when he LAUNCHED HIS FRIGGIN SP3
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    DarkNightRiseDarkNightRise Posts: 209

    Absolutely ridiculous. Can't even intercept this guy and he somehow has the speed and iq of a god with all these special intercepts but yet he chases me all the way into the corner just trying to bait a special. Atrocious fight, I'd say it's worse than abs could ever dream of bein

    Hey read the 5 stages of Grief from Jax man 😂. Amen!
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    BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Posts: 2,357 ★★★★★
    This fight is annoying. Stuff obscuring the stage isn't helping either while trying to deal with ai shenanigans.
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    11993451199345 Posts: 488 ★★★
    Just Herc it and move on...
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    11993451199345 Posts: 488 ★★★

    1199345 said:

    Just Herc it and move on...

    Yes because herc completes all 4 objectives, thank you for the very helpful advice
    He makes intercepting a breeze, which was your first complaint about the fight. You're welcome 😊 👍
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    Yukzii_IIYukzii_II Posts: 106

    Now everything is worse than Abs lol

    I gotta say it. Abs had super annoying unstoppable and regen but at least you can counter it. Even with infuriate and taunt this dude does not throw a special until I'm back against the wall with crush
    Well there is people who 1 shot it, people who used 1-10 revives, people who used 10+...
    Keep trying; but its nowhere close to being as bad as Abs specially with the Robot objective.
    Bro what, robot obj was 10x easier than dkg. This is easily the worst fight so far.
    This fight is a billion times easier than that robot objective, I soloed all the objectives including the DKG one which is the third easiest after herc and photon. He has alot of healing and big damage. I don’t even know why we’re comparing this to abs who just regens everything you do and the fix they did was to revive gate it. This fight has no issues other than the ai, which is annoying yeah, and cost me a few restarts, but it’s certainly nowhere near on the same level as that dreadful abs.

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    11993451199345 Posts: 488 ★★★

    1199345 said:

    1199345 said:

    Just Herc it and move on...

    Yes because herc completes all 4 objectives, thank you for the very helpful advice
    He makes intercepting a breeze, which was your first complaint about the fight. You're welcome 😊 👍
    ....but we have to use other champs for objectives herc being good at intercepting doesn't matter
    OPs initial complaint was not being able to intercept Onslaught.

    Herc makes intercepting him easy.

    Problem solved.

    If you want to keep fighting him afterwards for the other 3 objectives, that's on you...it's called "Spring of Sorrow" for a reason...
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    KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Posts: 915 ★★★
    The fights designed to be difficult and it’s not impossible at all. No changes needed.
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    PriyabrataPriyabrata Posts: 1,135 ★★★★
    The AI is definitely very volatile in here and needs to be investigated if unintended, HOWEVER, with enough time you can start predicting what the AI will do.

    You just have to push thru the initial shock of the janky behaviour. And over time you can somewhat adapt to the ai just enough to use minimal revives for your objectives or possibly even solos.

    But the community deserves a response whether this AI behaviour is Intended or just some weird interaction.

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    DarkNightRiseDarkNightRise Posts: 209
    Kabam is very shady about AI issue. They never or very limit communicate with players about the wonky AI. For me personally, the AI is crazily do light intercept in every mode recently! I know the AI have been coded react base on our input, but allow AI do intercept base on our input is kind of cheating!
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    Resternboy32Resternboy32 Posts: 167
    edited June 3

    Kabam is very shady about AI issue. They never or very limit communicate with players about the wonky AI. For me personally, the AI is crazily do light intercept in every mode recently! I know the AI have been coded react base on our input, but allow AI do intercept base on our input is kind of cheating!

    Yeah well I want a magical pony that can fly me to space for Christmas 🦄 🌲
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    JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Posts: 1,028 ★★★★
    edited June 3
    Yukzii_II said:

    Now everything is worse than Abs lol

    I gotta say it. Abs had super annoying unstoppable and regen but at least you can counter it. Even with infuriate and taunt this dude does not throw a special until I'm back against the wall with crush
    Well there is people who 1 shot it, people who used 1-10 revives, people who used 10+...
    Keep trying; but its nowhere close to being as bad as Abs specially with the Robot objective.
    Bro what, robot obj was 10x easier than dkg. This is easily the worst fight so far.
    This fight is a billion times easier than that robot objective, I soloed all the objectives including the DKG one which is the third easiest after herc and photon. He has alot of healing and big damage. I don’t even know why we’re comparing this to abs who just regens everything you do and the fix they did was to revive gate it. This fight has no issues other than the ai, which is annoying yeah, and cost me a few restarts, but it’s certainly nowhere near on the same level as that dreadful abs.

    Idk why people thoughts abs was that bad, all you had to do was watch his regen. I did one revive will gully. I can’t even get more than 20% off with dkg without sweating and playing perfect. Shang and photon weren’t bad tho. Onslaughts definitely the most skill intensive fight so far.
    Just my opinion tho I guess people struggle with different things on this game.
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