FuneralMist ★★
My newest issue with this current AI is it can now throw an Sp3 with two bars of power..somehow the power meter fades out so quickly.. you might not notice immediately but pay attention guys.Seen it thrice now and it's just absurd 🤷
Well worth R3
There's a Milli second glitch every time in the middle of a fight that my inputs will definately fail and the AI seems to be aware of my predicament and will combo me to death,. Then,lately the AI can just run through my block like it's Unblockable..
Pulled her too last night from a magnetron crystal..
SQ still exists?lol
Herc has saved me more units, so that's
Just recently explored that chapter and never didn't i see the blast's so am really thinking it's a device issue..I hope you get it solved soon bro..all the best
Find another game to mod ..lmao
Innocent account that got a 7day ban...lmao..that's not innocent
Archangel all day...completely ignores most nodes
This whole SQ is just boring and dumb..not even bothered with the objectives
Another overly complicated Sq..
Haven't met anyone personally but av made a few very good pals out of this game
How many units do I need to reach the final milestone..??need the 7* 2-3 gem for Have 7,000/- units
Archangeldans Which 6-stars can we confidently say will never be 7-stars? Commentaire de FuneralMist mai 2024
Unblockable Unstoppable Root
Pathetic design wise,horrible rewards for the amount of effort
Use this key to get another key which leads to other keys...bluh bluh..not bothering with this SQ...rewards ain't worth anyway
Horrible design plus horrible rewards
mediocre rewards for an endless cycle of grinding...nothing new here just the same boring, complicated format same as last month...get creative Kabam 💤
Horribly designed SQ..can't wait for it's conclusion
I had a G99 launch an Sp3 with "only" 2 bars of about AI going beyond the norm..Geez Kabam this is just ridiculous now
Sorry for your frustrations OP and hope you get the help required ASAP...on another note,why does every complain post always have "av played for X number of years,I deserve better"
At this rate he's gonna request for his own "valient chest"..lmao
Atleast I got a new s99..still trying for photon..back to featured I guess
Wait till you face the Grand Master.. you'll uninstall the game lol