JohnLocke117 ★★★
The gaem is Down Bad
Doom Colossus Immortal Hulk Colossus does the heavy-lifting, Doom deals with annoying fights. Immortal Hulk for everything else.
@Polygon Hehee I use Proff X with suicides only, with SP3 spam.
Nope Dattebayo
Slap a Mutant Power Booster and any fight becomes a cakewalk. When nothing else works, Proff X will, that too without any potions or revives.
Mine was she Hulk, long before her buff. I was salty as first ask it was a rollover from a Gwenpool
Immortal Hulk Colossus Doom Cosmic Ghost Rider Ghost
Dormammu Sick design and smooth animations His power control is top tier so I use him in annoying fights which require good power control. His damage with boosts and suicides is ok. I've used him mostly to deal with korgs
Ghost Rider Increase duration of judgements. Final judgement lasts for about 40-45 seconds Increased attack for each judgment active Penance stare reduced ability accuracy of villains and provides a massive crit rate boost Reworked sig ability
Regret => Cull Obsidion He just warms the bench
I only seem to have the 6* version of storm but she's very solid after the buff. Although her heavy lags my phone and I had to practice dexing her specials quite a bit. But, overall, a very good buff.
Ranking up only a certain class may hurt you, nor it is feasible to get mutant cats and ISO only while others expire. Rankup champs based on what your account needs. Having diversity in your account is always better. You can clear much more content that way.
Congrats, enjoy your max sig Herc cheesing through hard fights. Maybe I'll pull him one day too.
Casual Flex but OK
Awesome Rankup. He always seems fun to play, just spamming his sp1s. Also, how does he performs with suicides?
Immortal Hulk will come in clutch again, unless he has stun immunity
Dormammu. He's too sick to ignore
Both solid champs. Depends on your roster. If your tech class is weak then NimGod, else if skill is weaker then Big Daddy KingPimp
CGR is in Spain but the a is silent
So cool. Awesome Improvements. I would like to request Mastery Templates next. They are long overdue :smile: Would be so good to save your mastery setups and switch between them instantly.
I would say a fair chance as of today
That's just UnPossible. Rocket cannot out-damage safeguard within the time limit. His only good source of damage, sp2 bleeds will also be useless against Magneto. Also, 6 sec fight
Well it's quite possible, but only with the Pre-Fight active. Nova Flames + Power Stings are no joke. Torch can melt opponents really really fast. But, for a 16 second kill, he got lucky and had an aggressive AI.dans Battlegrounds human torch beat my rank 3 colossus in 16 seconds? Commentaire de JohnLocke117 avril 2022
That's a lot of Units. I could go to the moon and back with those.
This happened to me in AW too. I timed out on a Thing Boss and he healed back to full. Not my best moment
Fisch boll kool
No but new and different utility-based boosts for regular content would be a fresh breath.
Scorpion has a good Block prof but Doom has a "nice" one.