Madcat ★★★
You MUST have a Fury buff to do any reasonable damage. Are you triggering the Ang/Heim synergy buff?
It is a passive dot, as indicated by the border. Therefore, GHulk should have Face Me active, as the ability description states it will activate for any cowardly passive damage over time effect.
Same. Android here. Wifi is fine, streaming, etc at the same time without any issues... but the game drops completely or I get the ever present connection issue symbol...
Torch. Not even close. Never look back.
Who cares about UC or Epic difficulty? Those are very low bars. Show me a LoL or Abyss run with him... or any node that has Limber or Stun Immunity and a health pool of 150k+.
Normally, yes, but we all know when one thing gets changed from normal, sometimes the rest of the things that go with that "normal" timing are missed. I would rather ask and have it be confirmed.dans Next round of Dungeon Crystals with the Feb Dungeon date change Commentaire de Madcat février 2020
The fix is easy - revert the amount of time the AI is held in a block framelock to what it used to be, or add time to it for them. It has been shown that frames have been shaved off the AI reaction time, so perhaps this is the cause.
Aegon NF Doom/BPCW/SS/MS HT/Void Quake
MS, MD3 or MD4, L2, good game.
Anything he can do, others can do better. He will sit next to my Hulkbuster... until HB gets an update. Then Cull will be all alone....
Pick an Alliance with a mature, responsible leader. Pretty scummy stunt, regardless of the why, but everyone who sticks around will end up someplace better off it sounds like.dans Crazed Alliance Leader Kicks Everyone 2 Hours Before Season Ends Commentaire de Madcat février 2020
No. This ability is supposed to be immune to Ability Accuracy reduction.
It seems like it is usually between hits 2 and 3 into blocks...dans Hitting into block being countered by specials. [Merged Threads] Commentaire de Madcat février 2020
Anytime! Good luck
Precisely, except far easier, and your opponent gets 0 diversity for THEIR score for each empty node.
You still get the "Boss Kill" bonus as well once someone moves into the final boss node.
Erm - that is not how points work. You "clear" them, whether they had a defender or not, and you get up to 3x80 attack bonus points.
Hmm... those nodes have a different number of Node Buffs. Not the same node.
Someone has the Scouter Mastery.
Be aggressive to start, use a multi-hit heavy champ to counter, use Ghost or Corvus or Void. Many counters exist, but yes, the node can be a bugger if caught unprepared. Also, watch out for the global, as IMIW is #metal and #control, so two global buffs work with him to some annoying interactions (no armor breaks or…
I started the other in September; ignored is all that has been happening with it.
This is still broken, yes. Queue people coming out of the woodwork to say the description is the broken thing. Mastery or Mastery description is broken, either way. Fix it.
- Long reported ago, ignored by Kabam. Parry 2/3 and Parry 3/3 do not increase the base stun time like the Mastery description says.
Just happened again. My Void in AW against a Doom boss, he fired off an L1 between hits two and three into his block. M-L-Supposed to be L but he fired an L1 into my face. Fix this garbage.dans Hitting into block being countered by specials. [Merged Threads] Commentaire de Madcat février 2020
I read that as he was running Medusa against a Black Widow; is that not the case @Fredhorst23 ?dans Hitting into block being countered by specials. [Merged Threads] Commentaire de Madcat février 2020
Since the block frame lock time has been reduced for the AI, to less than that that players are held to it would appear. Hence why they can block, dex, fire off a special, and sometimes hit you during your combo into their block.dans Hitting into block being countered by specials. [Merged Threads] Commentaire de Madcat février 2020
Against VtD, Map 6... hitting into his block, 2nd hit, he fires an L1 off. Fix this bug.dans Hitting into block being countered by specials. [Merged Threads] Commentaire de Madcat février 2020
Dupe only reduces her ability to be dispelled. Good for a path in Chapter 6.1 that has a x number of buffs or no damage vs dispellers. Key to unlocking her damage is to fire an L1 right before she reaches L2, and then a combo quickly after that gives her 3 furies. Decent damage then, but little utility overall. Not…
All - tested SP3 and it did not scale that I saw.