Sai_7 ★
Namor, Domino, Havoc, Omega Red
Deserved Spotlight @RichTheMan ! Cheers mate! Keep us entertained, and let us know of your comic book creation!
go with one shot on Featured , if yu land on Namor! Buy a lottery ticket! :smile: Nice 6 stars mate!!!
7 mil
The thought is good, but I sort of both disagree and agree on certain points. I think of the folks who would have attempted x number of times and finally earned the title and now that its available easily otherwise, it doesn't do justice to them. I'm sure most of them would have had commitments too, i'm just saying its…
Awesome!! How many crystals it took in total to land him mate..
Awesome bud.. that's a long time ago.. i got mine 2 months ago :smile:
Nice bro!
Sorry mate, this used to be the story for me before as well. This is my first Featured GMC/Cavalier - Featured Champ Pull as a 5 or 6 star.
Sorry about that, hope those 5 stars were dupes and yu got 6 star shards out of it.
Well thought over!! Nice write up! Boss rush with no potion use and leader board is awesome idea!
Thanks @"Kabam Zibiit" !! :smiley:
Firstly congrats on the pulls man!! Corvus would help yu with legends title!! Is still don't have a corvus but have Hyperion & Captain Marvel (Movie) duped at R4 , i know what yu are talking about !! :smiley: I love Captain Marvel - She is so much fun to play with !!! If yu have the Nick Fury Synergy she is gonna be in…
I'm gonna have Maw as R1 max and throw him in defense! :smiley: Cull is definite R2 bro , He is OP!!
Awesome pull mate !!
Wow , That's even better mate ! Congrats! :smile:
I did not start one buddy, if it aint there yu can start a thread :smile:
We meet again Sasuke!! :smile: Just kidding.. always wanted to say that.. I'm a big time Naruto fan! But yeah.. I grinded for Cap Marvel ! I got her , she is at R4.. Amazing damage she has ! If yu can pair her with Nick Fury .. she will destroy almost anything.. She doesn't rely on debuffs.. but causes armor break and…
Spider-Gwen's old SP1 - Wait what did she do there! C'mon.. I wanna evade that.. pls try and hit me.. She was on unblockable SP1 node before the Collector in 5.2.6 ! :smiley:
From Feb 11 to Apr 29th ! Appreciate the response buddy !! Cheers! She is gonna be R4 in the coming weeks ! Her damage shoots up on prowess and of course she is super versatile. I have not tested on All or Nothing nodes, will try that.
Awesome pulls buddy!!!
Degen is a passive and not a debuff , so willpower will not work !?
Captain Marvel (Movie) - Binary form
Ronan !!!
Hey buddy ! i never said people outside 3:15 wont make it.. i meant ones within 3:15 are sure to get it and then rest are good chances.. i personally made it on 3:20 roughly last time.. dont take me wrong buddy ! Good luck again ! Cheers!
it used to 8th of the next month everytime.. i'm guessing it will be sooner as this month EQ is much shorter. should be by month end! Good luck guys.. i'm sure all within 3:15 will make it
I just used my 2015 mystic rank up gem on Magik yesterday. still hoarding a Awakening Gem for if she ever swings by ! :smile:
totally, if yu have a friend in your ally next to you or on call.. spin it .. it will there on the alliance what yu got before the champ appears on your screen. its a bummer! but the moment yu load the crystal.. its decided what yu get.. my only question is does the champ change every time i go back and load the crystal or…
The animations on Ebony Maw was awesome!! + he is a mystic champ ! Thats a bonus, he is not gonna be cold snap immune for sure... he froze out in space in IW.. lol He had a lot going on like hela soul charges plus it was on the opponent as well.. cant wait to see what the interaction is ! Im sure he is gonna have Nullify…