Snaponstewy ★
Same and I restarted my game and now it says I have to wait 23hrs
Commodore 64. Dr Zola u have to be at least 43-45 to know what a Commodore 64 is that is awesome someone else rembers the games played on a cassette tape like river raid..these input issues are out of control.its messed up because now we can't even farm revives like we used to and we are getting ko'd at a alarming rate to…
Same here I lost because of this stupid bug and u don't even. Get the milestones points for playing the match double whammy. Straight up makes wanna throw my phone and go beat up a
Completely agree grandmaster only throws sp1 while I dash forward which 100% of time get me clipped..used ungodly about of units to push thru. Which is ridiculous..he threw 5 sp1 that's it all other times had to dash in which slowly chipped away at his heath ridiculous amount of frustration
They do this but don't fix input issues or blatant ai cheating basically and the modders no they go after the ftp players and make it so they can now profit of spaming revives...well why don't u fix ur game and we won't have to spam revives..duhhhh..but in all seriousness what is this nonsense going on..they ate…
Whales keep spending so why fix the issues..the recovery time they dex triple dex and retaliate instantly the sp3 Fired instantly sp1 sp2 almost never if baiting ..dash In tho and ur guaranteed to block a sp1 or 2 with ur chin.the sp thrown while stil doing heavy attack or my all time favorite u dash in to punish a heavy…
If its that bad why u Still playing this game..ur all just complainers..if it was perfect the best rewards in the game and it was one fight ud day ohhh book hooo its not long its too shortt..I need more shards more this more that..just hilarious reading some of these comment if u hate it so much why do u continue to spend…
It's supposed to be done over a months time not in one day..if it was shorter ud complain about it being to short..can't have it both ways..108 fights for a 6 star awakening gem..that's fantastic I'll take that every day of the week and twice on sunday
Complaining about 108 fights for a 6 star awakening gem..Complaining about Fred incursion revives and potions Complaining Complaining could be 1 fight and u would complain about how short it is..that's what's wrong in the world today..either way it's done ur always going to have complainers ..why are u so…
Had the exact same nodes on a domino also not about pressure gauge frezzerburn prove urself on korg..that koed my whole team I wasn't too happy lol
Just over 24hrs and waaaa waaaa where is my rewards..when people stop cheating we will get them sooner
This month's sq pretty bad rewards 2nd week are sub sub sub sub par
My first 5 7* groot groot again caww2 og cap marvel ws
I opened 20 got 1 5 star 0 6stars and 4 4 stats someone always has it worse
U want them to throw a soecial dash in bet the ai throws its special a milisecond before
Side quest legendary difficulty gambit node is Achilles heel
Gambit was at 5% health 7 prowess no flack jacket at time of launching sp3
Yondudu I hate that guy
Dec5th would be the cutoff date for joining an alliance And still being able to contribute and receive alliance gifting rewards..14days in the alliance before the 20th that mean like I said the 5th of December no getting around it
Deals are garbage cavalier player not spending a dime
Mlllm is the input I'm not that new..but I will try what had been sugested..I'm on a lg k51 by the way