imnoone ★★
No 5/65 champ here that was qualified for this week but my 4* R5s did the job for me. No item used beside 20% attack boost. Harder than any other week but wasn't as bad as you're making it sounds like.
CAP IW .. I have seen 100k plus damage by his sp2 and personally have done 91k with my 5* R4
He was my act 6 MVP. nuff said.
hell to the no. You do realize that there is other content in the game where you can use 4* champs right? I wouldn't rank down any of my 4* champs just because I can't use them for act 6dans Since 4*s are banned from Act 6, Kabam should hand out 4* RDTs Commentaire de imnoone mars 2019
Dungeon? What Dungeon? LOL
Search "How to get to infinite streak in arena" on google or on this forum and you'll find plenty of directions. You have to follow certain methods to get to that. Arenas are easy.
Voodoo for me. Health regen at start of every fight is great.
youtube is your friend, my friend.
My unicorn is Hyperion. Don't even have him as a 3* and I want him so bad.
Nah, it's fine where it is. When game first started, there were no 5* - 6* Heros, no R4 5* until recently .. If you're getting stronger better champs, it's only fair that difficulty increase with it.dans Bring the difficulty lvl back down to the way it was when game started. Commentaire de imnoone mai 2018
I know right .. I have a 4/40 duped SL and Starky and they hit like a wet noodle too. Buff them as well please
How does power gain on Thanos helps you? I am curious.
It's not that big of a deal
atleast 30 mil
I got IF and I am using him in uncollected EQ. Unless you get DPX, you're good. 6* hits pretty hard out of the box. I would be happy if I were to get cable.
cuz she is a beast
Looking to join a fun but relaxed alliance. 5.6k prestige with solid roster. Not too fond of daily events and too much grinding but looking to help an alliance grow. Lemme know if interesteddans RECRUITING MEMBERS FOR A SERIOUS BUT FUN 6 MIL ALLIANCE (RH4H) Commentaire de imnoone avril 2018
Difficult?> Nah My pain problem is that they are all same. Same sets of move no matter which route you take and take makes whole AQ experience boring as F .. I am over it. AW was already so competitive and now AQ is blatant cash grab and boring at that .. so, Leaving my alliance to just chill and do some arenas and maybe EQ
It's definitely a fun and engaging node and love it. Keeps you on your toes. But wait for someone to start a thread on how unfair it is, that it's BS and how they can't beat it. SMH
Meh, It's a game. Very very competitive at the top level (have you not seen all the drama surrounding top players and alliances?) and they would do anything to win. Unfortunately, half of kabams revenue comes from those whales sitting at the top level so if they kill em, who is gonna pay for everything? People who goes on…
It's called progression. Do you want to be handed stuff because you work hard? PLayer who are on top has worked their way there, they didn't open their account at lvl 60 with 300k rating roster. Smh. People need to stop focusing on what others are doing and start focusing on their self.
I would like them to fit this too. My size is L
Simple answer? Terrible idea.
Dafuq is bleed team? You're telling me that you don't have any other team at all? after YEARS of playing? Before you ask, I have 4 R4 5* .. W We do 65555 every week I use 4* hulk, 4* SL and used to use 5* gwenpool but I am switched that with 4* Medusa I am all set. No complains what so ever. Going to use my 5* R4 gwenpool,…
what you should do next time is not use any mods or share your credentials
to be devils advocated, they can't for sure if it's a mistake. For example, if someone actually got promoted and you're just bitter about him so you are trying to demote him. They shouldn't just take your word for it. Maybe you can ask everyone in your alliance to file a report and maybe that way they can be sure that it…
I have a rule of thumb - Do not spend money or units on any crystals that has 2* champs in it. Follow it and your disappointment level will drop by atleast 50%
I did it in 13 days. Sorry to burst your bubble.
He is one of the best defender. He doesn't need any more buffing.