
  • lol, maybe read the actual node again? TLDR: the concusion/disorient/enervate/taunt debuffs are needed to get rid of the tantrum charges, which you get for every basic hit on rhino. if you don't apply those debufs, they will deal burst of direct damage to you every time you knock rhino down, that means you will receive…
  • @21Eggatron I love the sheet of yours, but i have just noticed one error here: -> in the Rhino fight you have a Baron Zeemo as one of the suggested options, but in 7.1.2 fight the node needs DEBUFF, which you also do not have in the node description. Zeemo only has PASIVE dissorient which does not count. And yes I have…
  • yeah this issue was actualy never fixed, even after the update. I already complined about that right after the so called bugfix and gues what. it was completely ignored. it just does not happen on every hit now, but slill happens pretty offten even with champions actualy designed to hit the block, like valkyrie, hulkling,…
  • ok, I did few more tests now, specificaly with the valkyrie, and had some runs where it did not happened, others where it did. And to be honest, for champ like valk, if this happens even maybe once, this is an issue. A serious one. even if it will be randomly happening like in one of twenty fights it will be a problem, and…
  • well, good for you then, sad thing its not fixed for me. I encountered random parry in arena fros so I thought i might not have the updated version but i do, so i tested it again, and yes, it happened. unlike the original issue, i only get paried like every other combo, but still pretty frequently
  • well, i have app version 45.1 (according to app info on my android) and IT IS NOT FIXED AT ALL! in practice mode, my valkirie gets constantly paried by my human torch. Since this was comunicated like its fixed, I guess its fixed after all.... in the exact samy way like that fix for the werewolf by nights medium.... NONE AT…
  • yeah happens to me everyhwere. I tried it in the arena and basicaly any champ I encountered will do it if i do more than one hit to block. really annoying. only way I can play now is to stun-parry everything before attack. champs with random evade are realy horrible due to this. it certanly makes the game challenging in…
  • sure why not, in there you don't need to make any dmg at all, just hit him with the sp1, 2, 3 and intercept in any order. its easy with jugs when you have the unstopable on. just don't let him hit you too much.
  • Juggernaut makes the final phase for GM fight so much easier compared to wiccan. And he does not realy need to be super strong, i believe I used 6r3 and it was good enough. And yes, I tried both, one path with wiccan, and the rest with Jugs. So much easier.
  • yeah i miss the daily crystal already. only crystal where my luck did not totaly suck and they removed it, replacing it with well. not even close to what i used to get? hm. no. not going to count the actual value, but i feel heavily disaponted.
  • in our aliance, the main reasson to spend extra resources to finish the raid in two days was to get 5 days off, not needing to play boring AQ. this modok has just taken away that. so there is no advantage to playing raid instead of normal AQ maps. also the entry cost his horrible compared to my reward luck. basicaly I get…
  • well, I got selected, but its not possible to subscribe, so... should I vote "yes" since I got the offer, or "no" since I can not subsribe at all?
  • Have you bought it 5 times by any chance? There is a limit how many times it can be obtained. My problem is that I see that little piggy next to the units in to right, even when I have already rached that limit and I do not see the piggy bank offer any more. Its kinda confusing to be honest.
  • and THAT is EXACTLY the bad design choice I am talking about. thanks for noticing :) could have been easily any other symbol. One that woudl not be so easily confused with one of the tag names, and this chaos would be gone. probably.
  • since you so relentlesly insist on derailing to the raids - if kabam wanted the raid to be safe, they would have added character locked gates. but they did not. also they intentionaly allowed any champs to do any role, regardless what is suitable for them. and even more - you are allowe to choose boost that is totaly…
  • well obviously people DID confuse that for attacker tactic symbol, and it was not one random case
  • So what? Is that an excuse to do it much more confusing instead of trying to find a way to make it really simple and avoid all that?
  • I doubt that it would be more confusing, but yeah, I do use the filters every time even when I belive I already know the answer, because I never realy trust that there was no change since last time. ;) but its funny you mentioned the other tactics. hard to believe there are still people who do not understand that the…
  • ...saying you simply must study it first and then remember it. cool. would you mind explaining that to each person in my alliance? That they actually must remember it? Because everyone wants to do that for sure ;) [HINT: no they don't, they hate it every time I am explaining to them how it works] ...it's much easier to…
  • Stuff does not just randomly breaks up. It is always result of some change. It might not be intended change, and the responsible person might not even be aware he is afecting something totaly unrelated to what he does, but it never happenes on its own. And if stuff that was working fine suddenly breaks without it being…
  • I actually have encountered few playes in my current aliance, who believed that having the X mark is enough for the #x-magica tactic to work and was blaiming another kabam bug instead of their own misunderstanding, when the tactic did not worked. Of course its their own fault, but I can understand, how its confusing, as…
  • It might be true that users do find bugs that devs and QA missed. It happens and being dev myself (not for this game), I know things or two about that. But the bugs out there right now, the one with in the materies for example - that is not happening for some obscure unexpected player behaviour. It happens in the most…
  • If you can't finish the quest because you die accidentaly, you even have no other choice than to restart (or revive which is not wort it at all), so I see no real issue here. Also they should have make sure everyone can finish it anyway (and that's clearly not the case).
  • and you can tag some that said that lets say in last year and now whine, right? otherwise its just you whining now...
  • well it is pretty clear to me that this type of content and the showcased difficulty is extly the future they are planning for the game, and if i am not wrong (which i hope I am but we will see in two weeks), then yes, I clearly should stop playing right now.
  • That is EXACTLY how I do feel right now. And hell, if that content is not meant for me, why are they even showing it to me? to make me angry or to give me depresion? Both is equaly wrong in my opinon.
  • well this content does look like its designed exactly in such way that peple would rather go and buy the piece, saving a lot of their time and mental health. and yes for those who are not valiant, the extra reward missed are not exactly world breaking, soo... Now just sit back and wait for the KG piece to cost twice as…
  • well now playing mcoc can give you depression as well, hooray :D
  • This quest made me rethink why do I even play the game. The whole thing is so disappointing for so many reasons it made me wonder where the game is heading. Hopefully I just missunderstand what the intenion here is because what I see is not what I want to play at all.
  • was somehow messed up, we have one raid only for today, all normal aq for tomorow and it looked like locked up and not responding to normal ways to enter, but is now fixed by pushing that green "play now (days joined 0 / 4)" button for the first time and now it can be accessed normaly I think.