psp742 ★★★★
Someone told me to stop posting in my roster updates. so I will just say I have now gotten 119x 7* champions.. some are who I want while I am still missing those champions that a lot of elite summoners call Omega-tier level Champions.
Not sure.. in how to get points.. it says = purchase Superior Banquet Crystals is 300pts = open Superior Banquet Crystals is 100pts So the $49.99 + tax may count as purchase 10x Superior Banquet Crystals with a Banquet Key (random rng of the select Banquet Champions: Purgatory/ Medusa/ BPCW/ Sentinel/ Deadpool X-Force/…dans Does anyone know if buying offers with SBCs counts as buying SBCs ? Commentaire de psp742 décembre 2024
I'm speculating might be purchased an account from another summoner.. guessing that is what kabam mcoc cheater algorithm is detected (using multiple devices android or apple smartphone or tablet should not change your login information) Forum are for summoners to share opinions and ask for tips regarding champions and what…
The amount that is probably worth a luxury sports car.. if this person tier7 basic rng is terrible, he would have to buy a lot of Superior Banquet Crystal.. I think he will get three 7* rank4 by the end of this Banquet event.. imagine 4 of his top champions are rank4.. its automatic forfeit if I do get matched against him…dans How much you really think this guy spent? #1 alliance in gifting ? Commentaire de psp742 décembre 2024
It's a summoner error.. you'd be surprised, a lot of people pay for the offer without actually looking at the items included, then say they were stiffed or conned.. its different offerings with same amount but different contents.. At least OP, admitted that he bought wrong offer.. some people will cry up a storm and yell…
not really sure how to defeat him.. power drain? power steal? VTD.. sp2 toxic armor to use Sentinel armor against himself.. will that work?
Congratulations, who did you pull? I got lucky with my first few before 20th Superior Banquet Crystals.. now its meh.. trying to open more till I reach the Banquet Key from solo Banquet. I got Deadpool X-Force who need max sig to maximize his abilities vs Nick Fury
Congratulations, who did you pull?
Just wondering if Deadpool X-Force have any immunity.. in Khonshu Ankh website there are three immunity: bleed, poison and shock.. I am doubting this is correct.. I have 7* Deadpool X-Force (undupe) and there is no information in his kit saying otherwise. Thanks for any clarification you can share.
Yup I saw on X that CatMurdock did get 7* Medusa, in fact she rank3 her (undupe).. The top 4 champion: 6* Medusa rank5 sig200 ascend, Yondu rank5 sig200 ascend, 7* Medusa rank3, and 6* Karnak rank5 sig200 ascend. I believe she post in 'top 4 champions' I screen capture here post of her rank3 Medusa NOTE: this picture is…
Here is my top 4 champions.. still have not use the 50 sigs, so it could possibly change. I think Onslaught is the best mutant in utility and has good damage too.
Merry Christmas everyone ❤️ 🎁 🍸 🧉 🥛
How many 7* did you own? If you know how many and what sig level they are.. its high probability that it was a duplicate 7* champion (moreso if its a bad champion).. if many in your alliance were opening random crystals at the same time as you, the champion you pull will almost cycle thru (and no longer visible). When…
If you need new champions, Red Hulk.. but Patriot is supposed to get buff.. how good a buff, that is debatable..
Shathra, America Chavez.. have something to say about rank4 Serpent.. easy peesy
Scream can armor break and bleed.. but.. here is a strong but.. she isn't like Medusa who can shut down most robot champions, poison immune, armor break, as well as armor shatter.. and bleed, then pulverize them with her attack if she has decent stack of fury.
Dormammu is a mystic champion
awaken gem or rank 2to3 would be nice..
That is if your lucky to pull tier7 basic fragments.. if not you will have to keep opening Superior Banquet Crystals.
Free Banquet Key selector to get champion you want..
I got tier7 basic catalyst fragments 630 (2x) only (not useful for me at all). The chance of getting full tier7 basic catalyst is so low.. that might mean the person with first rank4 7* spent 100k ez.
Wow.. I thought i was lucky to get a Banquet Key for the quantity of Superior Banquet Crystals in open.. which is less than 20 I got 7* generic sig stones +5 and 4x sig stones 2, and 1x mystic +5.. no titan shards.
Probably 7* Medusa is good for short to medium fights.. Battleground Sentry is for long form content.. so he isn't your typical battleground champion. BPWP is a nuke in short to medium fights.. probably great for battleground. Sentinel with his added immunities might be a bane in battleground and/or AW. Deadpool X-Force is…
Jessica Jones needs sig200 to be annoying.. 50sigs per her ability. I believe I'm one of the Lucky few to pull Banquet Key.. for I don't think he needs awaken ability but it would be nice to have.
I didn't open a whole lot of the Superior Banquet Crystals but did get lucky pull Deadpool X-force (new) thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.. but here he is.
The other Deathless champions were already released.. in order to get the needed pieces.. its 5k units each piece.. so technically you can get all the Deathless champions if you doing the content or willing to spend 💰 on it.. Deathless Guillotine (degen) Deathless King Groot (incinerate) Deathless Vision Deathless She-hulk…dans Deathless Thanos,, is he a Champion Summoner's can aqùire?? Commentaire de psp742 décembre 2024
a mystic that can counter Deathless Thanos.. maybe Shathra.
Summoner level 60 and up will get most of the units.. if your below level 50, it is less units.
Too many op cosmic that overshadow BRB, he needs to place shock on opponents (if they are shock immune, his damage is greatly gimped).. place shock on opponent, sp2 has greater chance to place more shock.. medium medium to make the shock expire faster (do this when you have one bar of power.. as the shock trickle down fire…
Watch MCOC noob.. his tips are very good and insightful.. probably should have watch first before going for it... he also give suggestions what champions to bring.. what path to take.. if you already are head into it.. might be too late to change champions.. Hope you get thru it.