sharkdeavour ★★
1st r4 7* in the world 🤣🤣
If you dont mind some reading, this guy has posted detailed guide about his necropolis exploration
I’m not sure what skill you’re referring to but I get comfortable with reverse control and mostly just read and understand the nodes when you’re building your team
Team varies per path but aegon took most of the fights, I used og storm (horsemen) for attuma and namor. I used about 70+ per path
Thanks I was thinking of going with shuri but my ally mentions shes more of long fight / endgame option so I went with chavez
Thanks yea I was hyped for Red Skull too
Thanks!! I wish you pull 7* of him soon
Btw these are my titan pulls I keep track of; 1. Peni parker 2. Morbius 3. Sersi 4. Red skull 5. Serpent ❤️
Anyway heres a screenshot of me beating his face out of pure frustration 😂
Fr lol 😂
Thank you Thanks! Yeah sometimes just gotta listen to guts haha
Thank you
When next titan crystal comes?
I’ve been holding science rank up for titania for valiant. As for falcon I was waiting to see if I can pull shang chi from the selector but ended up getting hawkeye so between him, falcon and km I went falcon for his ability accuracy reduction
Yeah it’s a big relief!! Thanks!! 🤩
yeah no it seems you missed an objective before
Nice thanks guys
Ok so the chest is the completion point I get it now thanks
Ok gotcha thanks
It’s still weird to me though now that you mentioned this cause; - I was 13 pts before this last WoW came out - Im paragon so I have 4 objectives, plus 1 for completion, so far I only did Aegon path, so 13 + 4 + 1 = 18 pts - If the chest has a point, shouldn’t I be 19?
Oh wow i went back and read the mail. Definitely overlooked that part thanks haha
Yes im paragon. I already done the aegon path so 4 obj plus 1 completion total is 5 from 13 pts. No point in exploration I think (checked the requirements in the tab)
Gotcha thanks
I just saw the other post saying paragon only able to achieve 19 pts, though I don't get why 19 instead of exact 18 pts (even the week 1 compensation counts as #robot objective) Edit: Apparently the extra point is to help in case some couldn't do some objectives
Same i think i saw its only 1 obj at the 1st day
Im just here for the party 🎉