What is the best way to beat the Thing in Uncollected quest this month?

I was reading his bio and learned that he throws up a protective shield when you stun him. I was testing in Heroic and even though I did not stun him, his protective shield buff still activated. A little puzzled by this. What else is causing it to activate?
Now I also learned that a bleed effect will cause him to lose 3 Rock charges and this can be done once every 2 seconds. I can do that but if the protection shield keeps activating then I will deal minimal damage. I also know that once he goes to 15, he goes unstoppable. He can also get a rock charge just by hitting his block.
Any insight into the best way to beat this champ would be greatly appreciated. I do not want to throw in a lot of credits just to beat him. I can handle Human Torch and Annalists (Not sure on the spelling. lol).
Now I also learned that a bleed effect will cause him to lose 3 Rock charges and this can be done once every 2 seconds. I can do that but if the protection shield keeps activating then I will deal minimal damage. I also know that once he goes to 15, he goes unstoppable. He can also get a rock charge just by hitting his block.
Any insight into the best way to beat this champ would be greatly appreciated. I do not want to throw in a lot of credits just to beat him. I can handle Human Torch and Annalists (Not sure on the spelling. lol).
While he is at 15 rock charges, bait a special. You can hit into his block when he's at 15 and he won't trigger unstoppable if you want to create some distance.
AAR champs work great like black widow high sig,gwenpool (also causes bleeds) and crossbones.
I used venom as he has 15% bleed ability accuracy against heroes. Parried and used heavies to get precision and fury/cruelty buffs for more chances to trigger bleed
This is unless you use domino because her first hit is a double, dont do this.
When thing didn't have a full bar of power I'd hit his block which gives him small bits of power and increases rock charges past 15-17 then bait a special.
I don't see how domino factors in
Since he inflicts bleed with Parry, you can better manage the rock charges and power meter.
Basically play as normal, but keep an eye on both the power meter and his rock charges. Make sure he has 15 charges when he has at least one bar of power. Then bait his special. DO NOT HIT HIM while he has 15 charges. His special will be unblockable, but it is easily evaded and it will remove all 15 charges. Repeat the process again.
If he has 15 charges and doesn't have a bar of power, simply parry him and hit once. He will consume 3 rock charges to go unstoppable but you will have time to get away because he's stunned. Do this a couple of times to build his power up and get him back to 15 rock charges.
More than anything, you have to make sure you do not get backed to the wall. Trying to fight your way out is very difficult while avoiding triggering the unblockable/unstoppable.
I think defensive node makes it easier to fight him as u can get him to 15 stacks when u want to..he holds block most of the time so it's easy to get multiple 4 hit combos into his block...just play around his rock stacks and u should be able to beat him
Btw x23 would not work against him if u are planning to use the bleeds to remove rock stacks...x23 interprets him as bleed immune and hence doesn't apply bleed to him rather gains cruelty buffs as she would against any other bleed immune
Did a video using venom
Forgive my poor skills in baiting and anything you think was poorly done