Feb 2020 Side Event Feedback (3 week arena, objectives & quest)

Since there are 2 announcements I figured I would start a single thread about general feedback for Feb 2020 Side Events.
I am an endgame player and the feedback I'm giving is based on that. I understand that other players in different stages may have a different viewpoint.
First off, I feel like GM & Legendary crystals are bad as the main rewards in a month. This month that is basically what we are getting besides 2,000 Glory worth of T5B, 1/2 T2A, 7500 5* shards and 1000 6* shards.
Legendary crystals: The biggest problem with these rewards is the difference between a 4* and 5* in this game. A 4* for endgame players is 550 5* shards(sometimes only 275). A 5* is worth 10,000 5* shards. This means that with your 80% chance at a 4* you will be mainly pulling something that is 18xs less(36xs less if not a max sig) valuable than the 20% of a 5*. Now lets say luck is on your side and you pull a 5*, how many of those 5* would be a good champ for your roster? Let's say 20% of the champs in the crystal would be a decent pull. That is a 1/5 chance to get a 5* then a 1/5 chance to get a champ you would be happy to get. This sucks, especially with only 2 chances. While the odds are you will get 1,100 5* shards as your rewards for these crystals, while someone else could pull 2 amazing champs for the exact same effort.
The biggest "adding insult to injury" part is that 4*s are banned from Act 6, because of this I think Legendary crystals should not be a reward for any Epic level content, it is wholly inapplicable to Epic level players and should have been phased out as soon as Kabam made that decision. IMHO it's actually offensive to endgame players to have this reward here (yes, I know, a little dramatic).
GM: Same gist as above. Same effort, same RNG except worse as 3*s are added to the equation. I will say if they want GM as the main rewards they should to allow us to be able to farm enough for about 40 GM crystals (odds to pull 2 5* champs).
I'm not going to say the quest isn't worth the rewards, but no one really can say as the rewards are very RNG based. If you pull 0 5* from the GM and Leg crystals, then probably not worth the effort, which is actually a very likely scenario. Adding something like units for completion and exploration would make me feel much better about grinding this out.
This to me is just a huge fail. No units in milestones. 10 Milestones, which I think is fine with the title there, but why not 10 more milestones on top of that with 2000 shards and all the other rewards (including units, which should absolutely be added) at the same intervals. No need for a big reward at 20, just extra levels to grind.
Also, why not do two arenas, there is a big missed opportunity for a 5/6 star arena, it could be scaled exactly the same(with my additions above) with a different title.
First time I have seen Objectives and have not cared to try and grind them out. I think each reward should have 1000 shards instead of 400.
Duration is the biggest issue here. The rewards MAY be worth the effort IF you get lucky. That is a problem. But the biggest problem to me is that there is just not enough here to do. The rewards could be way better with more content, everything here is so short.
With the promise of upping endgame rewards why is Kabam making sorter side content with less rewards? Why is Kabam giving us less to do in-game? Some players will walk away with 0 5* champs from a whole month of side content. Why are they not scaling a side arena for endgame players like they try (and usually succeed) with every other aspect of the game?
Anyways, this is my feedback. The sad truth is that I probably got more entertainment out of writing this post then doing the whole Feb 2020 side content.
I am an endgame player and the feedback I'm giving is based on that. I understand that other players in different stages may have a different viewpoint.
First off, I feel like GM & Legendary crystals are bad as the main rewards in a month. This month that is basically what we are getting besides 2,000 Glory worth of T5B, 1/2 T2A, 7500 5* shards and 1000 6* shards.
Legendary crystals: The biggest problem with these rewards is the difference between a 4* and 5* in this game. A 4* for endgame players is 550 5* shards(sometimes only 275). A 5* is worth 10,000 5* shards. This means that with your 80% chance at a 4* you will be mainly pulling something that is 18xs less(36xs less if not a max sig) valuable than the 20% of a 5*. Now lets say luck is on your side and you pull a 5*, how many of those 5* would be a good champ for your roster? Let's say 20% of the champs in the crystal would be a decent pull. That is a 1/5 chance to get a 5* then a 1/5 chance to get a champ you would be happy to get. This sucks, especially with only 2 chances. While the odds are you will get 1,100 5* shards as your rewards for these crystals, while someone else could pull 2 amazing champs for the exact same effort.
The biggest "adding insult to injury" part is that 4*s are banned from Act 6, because of this I think Legendary crystals should not be a reward for any Epic level content, it is wholly inapplicable to Epic level players and should have been phased out as soon as Kabam made that decision. IMHO it's actually offensive to endgame players to have this reward here (yes, I know, a little dramatic).
GM: Same gist as above. Same effort, same RNG except worse as 3*s are added to the equation. I will say if they want GM as the main rewards they should to allow us to be able to farm enough for about 40 GM crystals (odds to pull 2 5* champs).
I'm not going to say the quest isn't worth the rewards, but no one really can say as the rewards are very RNG based. If you pull 0 5* from the GM and Leg crystals, then probably not worth the effort, which is actually a very likely scenario. Adding something like units for completion and exploration would make me feel much better about grinding this out.
This to me is just a huge fail. No units in milestones. 10 Milestones, which I think is fine with the title there, but why not 10 more milestones on top of that with 2000 shards and all the other rewards (including units, which should absolutely be added) at the same intervals. No need for a big reward at 20, just extra levels to grind.
Also, why not do two arenas, there is a big missed opportunity for a 5/6 star arena, it could be scaled exactly the same(with my additions above) with a different title.
First time I have seen Objectives and have not cared to try and grind them out. I think each reward should have 1000 shards instead of 400.
Duration is the biggest issue here. The rewards MAY be worth the effort IF you get lucky. That is a problem. But the biggest problem to me is that there is just not enough here to do. The rewards could be way better with more content, everything here is so short.
With the promise of upping endgame rewards why is Kabam making sorter side content with less rewards? Why is Kabam giving us less to do in-game? Some players will walk away with 0 5* champs from a whole month of side content. Why are they not scaling a side arena for endgame players like they try (and usually succeed) with every other aspect of the game?
Anyways, this is my feedback. The sad truth is that I probably got more entertainment out of writing this post then doing the whole Feb 2020 side content.
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While we try our hardest to make sure that every player has content that they can find geared towards them, that is not going to be possible with every piece of content that is released.
Not every month's Side Event is going to have a 5-Star Awakening Gem or some high level/rarity items. Nor are the place to go for end game rewards. We're always adding more and more content for our end game players, and want to give more End Game rewards as well, but that won't be in Monthly Side Events. We recently released the Abyss of Legends, which has the most end game of rewards, but also know that it's not accessible to all of our Players at this time.
We have made great strides in upping the availability of 5-Star and 6-Star shards and Champions, but we won't take every event as an opportunity to hand them out. They're still rare resources, and you're going to have to work for them!
I just realized that it would be amazing if we could purchase 1 5* Romance Crystal if we grinded out all the Shattered Heart Shards instead of leaving it up to chance with GM crystals. Then each player could choose to go RNG or the safe route. I think that would go a long way on these special shard months.
Thanks for the response, I hope my feedback helps.
Also.. the Rewards are not worth the Grinding....And "It's Free" Summoners....it is not free......We Grind for the Rewards
As for the arena, if you feel the rewards aren’t worth your time for the crystal shards then just focus on other arenas.
Some side quests are geared towards different levels of rosters. Seems this month is aimed towards mid-tier players focused on expanding their 4* rosters.
I do agree with the idea to offer a guaranteed 5* if you hit all the milestones. IMO any reward that is left up to chance is only as good as the worst possible outcome of your pulls.
I'm just tired of pulling 3* after 3* champ, when others are getting the one specific 5* champ I'm hoping for. What good is 110 4* shards, and iso to add to me 8k+ stash of iso.
Dr. Zola
3* and 4* only. wow.
yeah i know rng bla bla bla. but shouldnt i deserve at least 1 5* for my time grinding out? sigh
Dr. Zola
Asking to be able to open an extra 5 star champion guaranteed from a side event is not asking for a 5 star awakening gem from every event. Obviously that's not gonna be something the game would be doing. But opening and obtaining champs is kind of the point of this thing, and if the side quest is giving me 3 star champs then it's gonna be a meh.
I'm cavalier and pay MONTHLY for a subscription, the minimum guaranteed champ should be a 4 star.
This feels similar to the endgame event. It's like an initial thought happened for a side quest that could be really cool, and then somewhere along the development phase it turned into a really meh grind for nothing.
Dr. Zola
Why should some months should side quests feel like I’m making no real progress. The content I’m grinding is bringing me no where in reality and as a result more so we are doing it out of boredom verse excitement. The tiny glimmer of maybe something worthwhile is the only thing we have when doing that content even though we really no it’s going nowhere for us.
I hear you in abyss but we are not talking about the top of the top who feel like there getting nothing we are talking about those caught in between. Those that are tired of the boring monthly EQ with 2 year old rewards for us, the side quests that really don’t do a ton for us, all other options beside the worst of the worst content to work against that take such a grind investment to do.
On top of that many are eliminated from pursuing that grind on this content because they haven’t pulled the right few champs to make it reasonable out of the 150+ in game in the right Star variety.
It’s just feel slow and boring when you are basically done with gaining anything from quest content for your roster after a week or 2 into the month. Along with what you gain is small baby steps And that week or 2 of quests got you nothing to help clear content you are still working on.
I feel like the community drew an inflection point in October when we exploded at the pathetic rewards:effort ratio of the side quest.
I have watched a lot of interviews with Kabam employees and it is very clear the resources in game are an economy. They treat it as such and they aren't going to flood the place with rewards. They just aren't.
What I will say they have done (Squirrels and this event ) is whether the rewards are amazing or meh, I can't say the effort:reward ratio has been bad. It has been improved significantly. Am I going to progress based on the love is a battlerealm 3 event, no not really, but I also didn't sit here and have to be on every 7 hours to earn 50 5* shards at a time, set my alarm at 3am for stuff, organize my alliance who is going to start the quest at 5:23 AM when this one expires lol. If you have played long enough, you know what I am talking about.
I ran the epic quest in one evening after I was done with normal milestone arena grinding. I now have 20 days of pretty much not worrying about a side request.
I feel like Kabam is trying to find a balance where the game doesn't dominate real life. I appreciate that. They are still looking for the balance
Ok Change of Tone:
I feel like they missed the mark on the arena. It is TWENTY-ONE Days. I was anticipating, at the very least, double the milestones/length you would find in a 3 day session. I thought, maybe I can use this to pick up on Sundays, but its a terrible length and they really missed on the solo objectives, specifically the deadpool one. Not many are going to sit around running arena all day for a truly measly reward and a profile pic. I mean you gotta be really bored to have time to allocate to that. Someones math was off on that specific objective. All the other ones will fill in for the everyday arena guy through 21 days, but deadpool is a sit there and grind that arena for nothing other than the profile pic scenario.
End game players are always looking for something new bc they literally have nothing else to do in the game....
The arena just blows, simple as that. Too few milestones for the length and no ranked rewards is pointless.