Mr Fantastics heavy no longer pauses all pre fight debuffs

In his abilites it states "On the last hit, pause Pre-Fight Debuffs for 3 second(s)"
This is bugged at the moment as it only seems to pause 1 or 2 and the last one starts expiring right away after being refreshed by the heavy.
This is bugged at the moment as it only seems to pause 1 or 2 and the last one starts expiring right away after being refreshed by the heavy.
The first time i noticed i was fighting red hulk in labyrinth using maxed 5* mr fantastic, 4* inv woman' 4* human torch, 4* thing and a 3* mr fantastic.
In the clip i made, my 5* fantastic was in alliance war defense so i used the 3* in mole man expeditions and got the same result. Only 1 of the debuffs are paused.