Champs are progressing in size and health, but potion and storage sizes aren't

DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
Kabam, can you significantly increase the storage limit for cats, ISOs, etc..and bring them in line with the introduction of 5*s and 6*s?

r5 5*'s and 6*s will use a ton more ISO and catalysts. To have a storage unit that was designed for 3* and 4* isn't fair to players. Why does our stash even expire in the first place?

Same goes for potions. It'll cost a fortune to heal up a 6* or r5 5* yet we're using potions that were made for 3*s and 4*s. Again, not fair to players.

As the game progresses we need to spend more resources on our champions but our literal and figurative wallets aren't big enough.

What are you doing to fix this issue?


  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    They make potions that just cost more, go figure. This does seriously need to be addressed because who wants to do this when the units and stuff paid back upon completion doesn't hold a candle to the items used?

    It's time for both story and alliance heals, along with alliance revives, to be percentage based like story revives.

    Or we could just get rid of the item cap... or increase it by a lot?
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    what also will increase is the cost for those potions.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    Can we please get some answers?
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    This is a very true and needed change. Stash limits don't reflect current state and have been the same for as long as they have been here. They should evolve with the game. This goes from pots to also cats and other materials.

    Also pots really do need to either be changed to % based and/or have the health level pot purchase reassessed to reflect today's environment. There is no reason that if I wanted to it would take 160 units to fully heal one champ in questing.
  • SaltyNuttzSaltyNuttz Member Posts: 8
    As a new player, these are really insightful comments. Thanks
  • Hey all,
    I have moved this to the correct part of the forums so that it can be seen by the right people. Also, this helps keep our forums organized.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Oh man I don't want to even think about how many units it's going to cost to heal a 6* probably use your full 15 item aq quota in one heal
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  • CavalierCavalier Member Posts: 246
    They should make potions percent based just like revives. I could use my entire alloyed stash of L1 potions and get hit once in act 5 and it will all go away

    Yes! this post is so true.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,445 ★★★★★
    It seems unbalanced for a resource gathering game that the demand for more resources goes up as champs get juiced, but the capacity to save resources doesn't. Additionally, the failure to index the utility of those resources to the level of "juice" in the champs is ridiculous. Just change heal pots to % based (like revives), increase the item caps and be done with it.

    And watch the praise pour in from your user base.

    Dr. Zola
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  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    I don't think anyone would be upset about the minute effect of potions if there wasn't a cap. Why is there a cap, anyway? They added it somewhere around 12.0 I believe, but why? I know that I didn't enjoy selling over 200 stockpiled potions.

    Either remove the cap, make the cap larger for everyone, make the cap go up when you level up, or make potions percentage based.
  • Dazman220Dazman220 Member Posts: 49
    Think they said something like they wont do % based potions as its unfair on users.

    Eg 2 people pay the same price for the potion but 1 guys % of health recieved could be 5000 while a lesser guy might only get 3000 health received for the same price.

    Not saying i agree with it just saying i remember reading something along these lines.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Dazman220 wrote: »
    Think they said something like they wont do % based potions as its unfair on users.

    Eg 2 people pay the same price for the potion but 1 guys % of health recieved could be 5000 while a lesser guy might only get 3000 health received for the same price.

    Not saying i agree with it just saying i remember reading something along these lines.

    Easy solution, have potions that heal off of percentage as well as the regular potions.

    Have 2 new revives one is a 100% revive for 150 units and 100% team revive for 400 units.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    Dazman220 wrote: »
    Think they said something like they wont do % based potions as its unfair on users.

    Eg 2 people pay the same price for the potion but 1 guys % of health recieved could be 5000 while a lesser guy might only get 3000 health received for the same price.

    Not saying i agree with it just saying i remember reading something along these lines.

    Eg: Two people pay the same price for PHCs crystals, but Guy 1 get a 4* Hyperion while Guy 2 only get a 2* Iron Fist, again.
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    Hey all,
    I have moved this to the correct part of the forums so that it can be seen by the right people. Also, this helps keep our forums organized.

    Well that's helpful, but... Are you not the right people? Who else is going to read this stuff after you?

    No one.
  • ThatsausageThatsausage Member Posts: 214
    DD2 wrote: »
    Kabam, can you significantly increase the storage limit for cats, ISOs, etc..and bring them in line with the introduction of 5*s and 6*s?

    r5 5*'s and 6*s will use a ton more ISO and catalysts. To have a storage unit that was designed for 3* and 4* isn't fair to players. Why does our stash even expire in the first place?

    Same goes for potions. It'll cost a fortune to heal up a 6* or r5 5* yet we're using potions that were made for 3*s and 4*s. Again, not fair to players.

    As the game progresses we need to spend more resources on our champions but our literal and figurative wallets aren't big enough.

    What are you doing to fix this issue?

    Completely agree. AQ L1 Hps are useless to use. They only serve younger accounts.
    Percentage based hps and revives for both AQ and story are a great idea. A bigger stash is great too. Speaking of stash, it would make sense if my overflow would automatically fall into my inventory after the item is used. Having to back out of Story, Arena, Duels, etc is a bit annoying.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    it would make sense if my overflow would automatically fall into my inventory after the item is used.

    100% this, although this would essentially create infinite storage and no point for having limits (as if there needs to be a limit). The only thing I wouldn't want auto-refilled would be ISO. I do stockpile class ISO for specific champs on level-up days and don't necessarily want a stack of 5k science ISO as the only "available" stuff to use.

    I understand the point of having limits and timers on the stash is to force growth and usage, but rarely are those expiring items used at a point when the player actually wants/needs to use them. The end result is players selling items that are about to expire, only to spend units to buy them back a short time later when they're actually needed. We earned the items, let us keep them.
  • RaaRaa Member Posts: 318 ★★
    It's funny, you see the moderators comment something sensible on posts that hold no merit or are just plain emotional but they ignore the ones like this, the ones that matter.
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  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    I agree. I am sick of looking at over 1k iso in my stash and having my lv1 and 2 pots full and having no lv4 or 5
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    Considering 6*s and rank 5 5*s are still months away, if they do plan on changing this...they will not announce it now. (they rarely announce things ahead of time)

    I think they are ignoring many of the posts in reference to 6* champs because everybody seems to expect that 5* shards and rank up materials were going to suddenly be plentiful within weeks of them announcing something that is not going to happen for a while. The reaction so far will likely make it so they never tell us anything this far in advance ever
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    Solswerd wrote: »
    Considering 6*s and rank 5 5*s are still months away, if they do plan on changing this...they will not announce it now. (they rarely announce things ahead of time)

    I think they are ignoring many of the posts in reference to 6* champs because everybody seems to expect that 5* shards and rank up materials were going to suddenly be plentiful within weeks of them announcing something that is not going to happen for a while. The reaction so far will likely make it so they never tell us anything this far in advance ever

    Looking exclusively at "average" champs we have now (ignoring 5* and 6* champs completely):

    To take a brand new 3* champ to R4, you would need 1411x T2 basic ISO, which would require you to refill your inventory 32 times. A new 4* champ to R3 needs 1031x T2 basic ISO and 23 inventory refills.

    To heal my R3 Venom ONCE (9,979 health), I would need 27 level 1 pots. Inventory only holds 25.

    How does this make sense?
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