Unable to Claim Items From Stash [Merged Threads]

So I’ve come across an extremely worrying bug. I can’t claim anything from my stash except rewards. I’ve seen people mention iso but nothing about items. I’ve attached some images. I’m on an IPhone SE (2020) on IOS 13.6.1
This is how my stash looks before doing anything

I click ‘Claim Max’ and it simply greys out the button without claiming anything

Same thing happens if trying to claim an individual item. Only the sell option appears

I’m sure you can understand the urgency of this bug. I’m not really a fan of letting items expire for no reason
This is how my stash looks before doing anything

I click ‘Claim Max’ and it simply greys out the button without claiming anything

Same thing happens if trying to claim an individual item. Only the sell option appears

I’m sure you can understand the urgency of this bug. I’m not really a fan of letting items expire for no reason
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
I’ve submitted a support ticket, nothing back.
I’ve tried it on my IPhone 5S on IOS 12 and still can’t claim anything.
I’ve also tried it on my Huawei p20 mate lite to no avail.
So not working on IOS or Android. Seems to be account specific since not everyone is experiencing this. If they were I’m sure there would be threads plastered across the forums
The lack of any sort of official word on this is troubling, as this is pretty game breaking. At least my Iso claim is working again
I can only hope it’s a similar fix that was needed last trine and this doesn’t take a month. I’ve got 6.2.6 compensation expiring in 14 days. I’m going to keep pushing until we get word that they’re at least looking at it
In the meantime I’m going to keep experimenting. See if I can kind some way to bypass the bug. I’m really sorry it happened to you the first time. If they’ve sent out a questionnaire they must be aware it’s happened again
If there's still space left for the Items in your Inventory but you can't Claim them from your Stash, I recommend going through the relevant troubleshooting steps below.
- Android Troubleshooting
- iOS Troubleshooting
If the issue persists after you've gone through the troubleshooting steps, please let us know so we can look into it further.
I have place in my inventory to claim but claim from
Stash doesn’t works. It doesn’t even “think” like the short delay it usually has when claiming/using items.
I marked team revive in my inventory that I can’t claim but there are many other items I can’t (small revives, sig stones, energy refill etc...)
What should I do with all the items that are going to waste?
It still doesn’t works.
I opened a ticket yesterday when I just noticed that but no one reply yet
It claimed all the revives I had in my overflow, so that was great. It still isn’t claiming other items.
The button was working for 2 minutes there kind of. I was pressing it and the loading thing would appear, the items would shift as it is was moving to my inventory, but wouldn’t
It has now reverted to its previous state
3 hours left before i lose some energy refills.
A part of me thinks it might have been because I hadn’t touched the game in a few hours
In fact, I was able to reproduce that bug : I have another one expiring in 8 days (10% att/health), can't sell it from stash.
It’s not iOS version because the bug happened two days ago while I had the previous iOS version, and last night I update to 13.7 and problem still exists.
I also deleted the game and re-install it and problem still exists.
When I select some the "Sell" option shows green, but the other one keeps as "Claim Max" and it still doesn't work when I press it. I'm just able to watch their time counter go down, but nothing else. I opened a lot of free crystals with the purpose of using those potions (more than 100 levels 1 and 2) to advance in Story Mode to become Uncollected and now I cannot use them as they continue expiring.
This is so unfair. I already deleted the cache, logged out and in again and the problem persists. What else can I do or who can assist me?
iPhone SE (2020)
iPhone 5S
Huawei P20 Mate Lite
The IPhone SE is on IOS 13.6.1, not sure about the other ones.
Phone: iPhone 10 XS Max
Device operating system: iOS 13.6.1
Carrier: AT&T
Problem occured when I was on WiFi
Game version: 28.1.0
Should we take screenshots? Or you can see in your logs what expired? Or there is no intention to compensate?
It’s really mess with my plans to run all the new difficulties for this month.
Can’t use my energy refills for legend run, can use my revives in cavalier difficulty, Can’t push in AW with using my boosts and potions, etc...
Iso, rewards and catalyst works fine.
My items will expire soon.
Help Kabam people!
I am on android s10+
I was forced to sell a group revives for this problem, and in the next few hours I will expire refills, revives, orbs, gems.
@Kabam Zibiit Please tell us how they will compensate for everything lost while they fix the error.
I got 20 big energy refills and over 150 small ones!
And i cant use them.
I want to send that info as well to get a solution.
I'm really disappointed since I thought I would be able to become Uncollected with my items or at least make a good advance, I saved for a long time and opened all my crystals to take advantage of the 20% boost, but this issue cleared that from the map for now. Over 100 potions, revives, and energy fillers on the road to oblivion. Not fun at all.