Omega Sentinel gang unite! [MERGED THREADS]

Welcome to the OmegaSentinelforMCOC war room! Here, we shall make the case for our dear Omega Sentinel, make the greatest arguments for her addition that we can compose, and pour our support for her. Let us unite!
Post edited by Kabam Rose on
For instance, i like to run synergy teams that are not only powerful, but that also makes sense in a Marvel Comics kind of way... Apocalypse and his four Horsemen; Fantastic Four with Dragon Man; a New Mutants synergy of Domino Cable Sunspot Magik and Warlock; and so on. Place a Tech class on a Mutant squad to balance out the class relationship to counter weakness.
Out of all the characters we have to vote on, only a few make sense. Sure, Hercules could synergize with Tigra on a West Coast Avengers synergy. Morgan Le Fey could hook up with Dr. Doom as a romance synergy. Dazzler would work extremely well on a Mojoworld synergy with Longshot and Mojo (#Spiral2021!)...
But out of this whole list, I think the coolest character hands down is OMEGA SENTINEL... she was absolutely one of the best X-men characters ever created. She was even taken over by Malice of the Marauders, the hit squad of Mr. Sinister. She could easily have a Marauders synergy with Sinister, Sabertooth, and open the door to bring in Mystique and Lady Deathstrike and Madelyn Pryor the Goblin Queen if Kabam really wanted to get down and get it done. OMEGA SENTINEL would be an excellent TECH class option, and put on a Mutant team would balance out the class relationship weakness of an all mutant team.
Just let her Synergize as both an X-man and as a potential Sinister Marauder!
I think she would have great synergies but if we had to brain storm, what are some ways she could differ from the usual tech class? She can control other machines so I wonder if there's a unique game mechanic that could come from that
That line of reasoning is why Dazzler's my second pick in the lineup. Kinda like Jubilee, her powerset and moves aught to be a pleasure to watch with all the colors and particle effects. But to get back to my second long time wish, that'd be Spiral, specifically her X-force version. The 6 sword style is going to look amazing when fully animated. I mean, if Medusa looked that good with three, double's all the better. I so hoped she was going to be released back when Mojo was added
The rest of the offered options are a mixed bag. I mean, Morbius shouldn't need this type o thing for a promo, he'll get another chance with the movie coming out. Hercules feels like just another (bland?) fisticuffs char, which we have plenty of in several flavors, so no rush there. Ironheart I already mentioned: just another Iron family variant. Morgan I'm not sure about. If her spells are flashy enough, she may have a chance, but I never really saw her as much of a fighter. And a lot of Blue Marvel's art has him look a lot like Black Bolt in design.
So ya, Omega Sentinel and Dazzler are top picks, and prayers for Spiral for a later on addition.