Nick Fury LMD issue - Why isn't it still fixed or listed in Known Issues?

My Nick Fury just started with his LMD destroyed / real Nick Fury in AQ map 5. Now I see there are so many posts in the forum on this for quite some time, yet neither is it being fixed, nor is it yet listed under Known Bugs / Issues, or players being informed about the issue!
Fix it, and compensate, please. Lately, major issues seem to being taken for granted, like the AQ issues recently where we had to endure days of fights not loading and champs losing health, being unable to see who the players are, etc. Oh, it's fine, no need to apologize and compensate - seems to be the way to go these days.
Fix it, and compensate, please. Lately, major issues seem to being taken for granted, like the AQ issues recently where we had to endure days of fights not loading and champs losing health, being unable to see who the players are, etc. Oh, it's fine, no need to apologize and compensate - seems to be the way to go these days.
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