Sentry permanent indestructible passive

The image speaks for itself.
Sentry has an ability which gives him a very short indestructible passive when losing his combo and resetting his stance but due to a bug, his stance doesn’t reset and therefore makes him permanently indestructible. Someone should probably get on this. Guess he doesn’t need a buff after all...

Sentry has an ability which gives him a very short indestructible passive when losing his combo and resetting his stance but due to a bug, his stance doesn’t reset and therefore makes him permanently indestructible. Someone should probably get on this. Guess he doesn’t need a buff after all...

Operating system: IOS 14.4.
Mobile carrier: KPN (Dutch network provider)
Cellular or WiFi?: Happens when using both
Version installed: 31.1.1 (newest patch)
Which game mode?: Discovered in arena but seems to happen in all.
Champions affected: Sentry
Rank level: 3* sig 99 but happens on any version of Sentry that is awakened
Boosters: none
Description: Sentry has a ability where if he loses his combo while in either his sp1, heavy attack or sp2 stance, he becomes indestructible but due to a bug, his stance doesn’t reset and therefore grants indestructible on every hit he takes.
Video attached:
Hope this helps y’all out
Max sig sentry has a 100% chance for indestructable when losing his combo and switching stance , since he has a "stance" on hits till 10 and till 20, hitting till 11 hits gets next stance , gets hit and return back to his original stance and combo is reset to 0. Since his combo is reset to 0 he doesnt have an "active" stance anymore but instead its in a void where he is between a "No" stance and a "1-10" hit stance and since he cant change stances on 0 hits the indestructable triggers over and over because the system doesnt have a stance for the 0 interval number , Not entirely sure if this could be the problem but just my guess and what I think it could be
I sent in a 5 star Spider-Man: Symbiote Costume, same deal.
I then sent in my 5 star Dragon Man against him at a class disadvantage. Nothing in the node he is standing on shows he should be getting a special 1, special 2 or special 3, and even if he fired it, the indestructible icon stayed lit up as indestructible, even after 15 seconds had elapsed. In fact, the indestructible icon started at the top of the fight and never disappeared.
If it was any other node but war, I'd restart and take the energy loss and come at it with a different team, but with war, you're locked into the three attackers you bring in.
I activated a few boosts (invulnerability, attack, health) because I had them, but how that contributed to a person who went with not a lick of damage on him in the entire fight while downing my three strongest when they had him beat in levels in class advantage is beyond me.
I am absolutely furious at this right now, because if this is a bug that hasn't been fixed and is now being exploited and this character is nigh indestructible against all attackers, even when it indicates he can take bleeds, be cornered or combustion damage against Dragon Man but no damage, it's a game breaking defense that more teams are going to throw into wars.