Legends run

I hope you take into consideration when calculating legends run all the times you were kicked and had to restart. Even after emergency maintenance you kept getting internet connections and booted.
@Kabam Miike @kabam zibiit

@Kabam Miike @kabam zibiit

Why are you concerned if you are already a legend? People like you steal away the chance of others attempting to run for it.
Legend runs should be locked for people that are already legends. To see the same guys all the time in the list digust so many of us!!!!!
Why should everyone be a legend?
If you cant beat the times by other players you dont deserve it.
Again wrong. People with multiple god tier 5 stars have clearly an advantage so they hold the spots for others to have a fair shot. Please educate yourself before talking and look from the other perspective instead of being in attack mode for no reason.
I dont have a legends tag. But if i dont play better than the other ppl that got it then i dont deserve it. There is a leaderboard for legend points so top players will go for it. Just because you think there is no point doesnt mean there isnt a point for top legends players competing on leaderboards.
Second it is narcisistic to run the quest just so less people have a chance a the tittle.
Third: points in the leaderboard? Give me a break. Next excuse please.
Fourth: you are a youtuber and you are streamming? Oh well this is one is hard. How about beating the wuest with 3 stars. If you are a youtuber and you want to show off, guess what? Using a god tier 5 star to beat a quest that can be beating with 4 stars is not impressive. Anyone can beat the quest with a god tier 5 star champ. Showcase your skills and speed by doing it with 4 stars or 3 stars, that is impressive.
Fifth: i can go on 99 excuses why people should let others get a fair shot but they wont stop.
Perfectly said bro
Wish to see a Youtuber doing legend run with 4* champs or using an Android device lmao
I'm using Android and load time suck
It makes sense, just to tell you mr. Dave got beat up many times on last Doctor Strange and he was using rank 4 5 star Iceman. Heck he even died on loki too. I did not. Just saying.
The only one that beats master mode with 3 stars is Seatin.
I've seen guys beat master mode with 2 stars. My friend beat one of the older challenge with r4 rr and 3 star Loki
Yes dorky died too many times i saw that
Seatin is doing good because he's encouraging low-rated players with small roster that they too can do master with 3* champs
And he never gone for Legend run after getting it once
Good for you bro. You're a legend now.
Naah, I'm good without it. Hope you get your batch soon if you didn't got it
My reply wasn't for you bro.
Sorry bro, i misread, my fault
I respectfully disagree. It is not about you beating the quest only. Lets say you have a football team and you have all the best players? How is it fair for the other teams if the competition aint balanced?