Question About Battlegrounds (sorry if it has been asked before)

In regards to the bans. Anyone who has played, or a mod could probably answer. Do the bans cross rarity like they do in war? If my 6* R3 Fury gets banned, does a 5/65 get banned as well? It would be cool to be able to bring say, a 5 and a 6 star of a champ and only get one banned? Really just asking for my own mental preparation of my deck(s).
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
But at the same time it's a bit punishing for people with massive rosters that have a champ as both 5* 5/65 and 6* 3/45 or even 4/55.
I am hoping all those barriers of entry that are currently there are altered or removed. I am hoping that they either give it its own energy, that you cannot buy refills for. Or give us "X" amount of ranked matches per day/week. Then unlimited for fun matches. People being able to just buy $10k worth of energy refills and shoot to the top of the leaderboard seems lame. I am a spender, and I think spenders should have an advantage, but not and unlimited number of matches for money kind of advantage. That's insane IMO.
It is you who hasn't comprehended the full scenarios I offered. And I also havent commited either way. By the ammount of disagrees, it seems others also haven't gotten the point of my comment. Hope they didnt have any strokes.
All I wanted was a discussion, pros and cons. Convince me one way or the other. Silly of me to expect it from the "internet people"
Here's a hypotethical: my opponent has a great roster of mystic defenders and bans my 6* torch. Maybe I would still like the option to use the 5* torch. It's a risk for me, less attack, less block proficiency, less health, but still the best counter.
At the same time, if I ban someone's 6* Peni or Sauron, I dont want to fight the 5* either.
It hurts and it helps the player. Just wanted to start a conversation about which option others prefer. I myself dont know yet.
Allowing multiple rarities means players with both can place them both into their decks, and place their opponent into a situation where they have to decide whether to burn two bans to ban them both. It gives a lot more power to players with larger rosters, because larger rosters allows players to stack their decks with tough defenders and exhaust opponent bans. It is less of an offensive weapon, because you still need random chance to pull them as attackers.
And in the end wont a lot of matches be determined by who has the largest roster? I mean, I have a decent 3mil, 30 r3s account and above average skill. But when I'll come up against the whales of this game with 60+ r3, I will be out matched on many occasions. I'll win some, but I'll also lose plenty just because of roster size.
The way I put it in my feedback is that I believe when spending produces an advantage it should be a strategic advantage not a tactical advantage. Which is to say, it is one thing for big spenders to have an advantage going into a match, but they shouldn't be able to buy more advantages during the match. They should be playing the same game everyone else does, with the same options everyone else does.
It is less important how large a roster is, and more important which champs the player has ranked up that matters. And I think *most* players simply don't have the resources to rank up a massive deck of battleground-optimal champs, not even most spenders. Mega whales will have advantages in having saturated rosters full of ranked up champs, but a spender with twice the R3s as a free to play player will not, I think, have an insurmountable advantage.
Plus, this game mode will have two groups of players competing in it. The super competitors, and everyone else. Roster size will mean something for the super competitors, because everything will mean something to those players. The smallest edge will be enough to win. A warmer phone might be enough to lose. But for the rest of the playerbase, roster size will be just one factor in a large number of factors that no one will have fully optimized. You'll lose to players with big rosters some of the time, but you'll also win against players with big rosters when you outplay them some of the time.
When we're talking about the typical player and not say, the top tier players, large roster also comes with an interesting disadvantage. If you have a large roster, you're often able to bring optimal champs to every fight. Battlegrounds will take that away. You'll have to go with what you have. How many players with large rosters are constantly using suboptimal attacker choices just to learn how to use them, compared to players who use suboptimal choices because they have to. It isn't all roses for the players used to bringing their full roster to bear on content. I think many players will find that the matches will seem more '"random" than they expect because they will have trouble fighting certain defenders with only a few choices of attacker, but so will their opponents. Fights we think we're going to lose we will actually win because the opponent we're facing isn't used to fighting a fight we think should be easy, because they don't have their favorite option for that fight available.
I think that's going to be part of the fun. The uncertainty will mean more players will be in the fight more often than they think they would be, which will encourage them to try more. People will learn how few perfect players there really are.