Gamora's buff is live and...

She's actually better but also the same. First, credit where credit is due: the animations look and feel great. She feels very smooth to play and her new heavy attack is a breath of fresh air. Onto her abilities, they are mostly the same but they feel better. Gamora's issue was never her damage output. It was her lack of utility and more importantly, her ramp up. She was heavily dependant on RNG and spamming her heavy attack which made her very difficult and impractical to play. Now, her chance to gain buffs is higher, they last longer, and her new heavy attack feels much better to throw. She's able to ramp up much quicker and can access her miss counter much sooner, especially now that you only need 8 buffs to stop miss. The team I recommend is Mr. Fantastic, Angela, G2099 and Cap IW. All good champs that synergize and support Gamora.
This buff addressed one of her main issues and made her useable but I'm not sure how much you would want to use her. She is still very light on utility and her ramp up, while easier, will still limit her in harder content. This buff doesn't bring anything new to the table and really just makes her a better version of her previous self. I find her much more fun to play now but I can't see myself using her in any endgame content.
This buff addressed one of her main issues and made her useable but I'm not sure how much you would want to use her. She is still very light on utility and her ramp up, while easier, will still limit her in harder content. This buff doesn't bring anything new to the table and really just makes her a better version of her previous self. I find her much more fun to play now but I can't see myself using her in any endgame content.
Android is not available yet.
Her buffs are capped at 25 but when you get both to 25 her damage is pretty amazing overall.
Longer buffs is also great and she has many synergies that extend them (Capiw, War Machine, G2099, Mr. F, Blackbolt)
Her heavy attack is great for a few reasons. The animations are smooth but also the range is great. You don't HAVE to hit on the first heavy, you can counter a special attack in a way to allow her last hit to reach now.
Her SP2 now having 3 hits is great cuz it's an extra crit and her sp1 having 2 is nice also for the same reason. The SP2 animation is fresh and smooth like the heavy.
The Miss counter is much easier to get to which is nice. It's not like most Miss fights are at 100% miss all fight so it's now easier to get there ( tho other champs are probably still better)
They unironically turned her into a Cosmic Professor X btw if anyone realized. I'd still use him over her but she has some good use now.
If this is the result of them focusing most of their resources on the balancing nobody wants, then I'll just prepare myself to not look forward to, or get excited for any buffs going forward. Complete 180 from before Christmas where the most exciting announcement/event in the game was who the new buffs were and what they did.
Sad to see the virtual "end" of an awesome pro player program.
Gamora is one of the first Champions a new Player will get and are far more likely to use than established players. She's available as a 1, 2, and 3 Star Champion, and earlier Progression levels have Daily Crystals that are limited to earlier Champions. Those players are much more likely to get and use Gamora than most of our established players, and for them, I think she's a great addition to their rosters.
Recent Buffs are not a result of changes in how we're approaching Buffs and Balance changes in the future.
R1 Unawakened Gamora.
The idea behind the team was simple. I use all those champs frequently (My WM Is R4 as a 6 star so VERY frequent) and I just made a team I would use normally and she how she fits without trying to build a team around her. It just so happens than two of the champs have good synergies with her.Team: War Machine, Angela, Falcon, Shang Chi, Gamora
Act 6 6.4.2 Tunnel Vision Lane with Crit me with your best shot.
The main thing is to play around the node to start but once she has the 8 buffs which she got in good time, the node became free willpower regen for the entire fight. Joe Fit it to start was easy but slow since he puts Weakness. Heimdall after was even easier since you could heavy counter both his heavy and his sp1. You don't need to tho but it's best to learn her heavy spacing early. Crit me with your best shot made the fights slower as only crits deal damage BUT since all her specials crtit and she has a decent crit rate, it was ok and only really allowed hero to build more attack for when attacks do crit anyway.Act 7.4.3 Invisible Woman with Now you see me, Paradox Box where you need to parry to build it and intercept to remove them and she has over 300k health
This is a good test fight since it's not a brain dead ROL WS fight and you have to think alittle and especially with the paradox box building on parry and the only way to remove them is by intercept. She again got to 8 buffs pretty quick which made the fight MUCH easier as I didn't have to care about IW's invisibility or the Now you see me node. Keeping her buffs up was easy enough also, little trouble since IW's SP2 is easy to heavy counter.She finished all the fights in good time as well which was nice to see from a R1. Everyone complains about her cap but trust me, it's not a big deal as my R1 without even getting to the 25 cap was doing 13k medium crits so a R2 or higher would be even better. I would legit use her as a miss counter and more so since she has good synergy with my team.
Does this buff make her better to use and feel more fun? Yes
Does this buff make her the best champ in game or even a top tier? No, probably not and other champs counter miss better that her in some or many cases.
but overall, it was a simple buff with great effect if you ask me from testing. She has damage for days and good utility in her miss counter. The True Strike is another topic by itself. I'd say she's not the best evade counter BUT she counters auto block pretty well since in most cases Auto Block won't be as punishing as evade so getting to sp3 isn't as bad (cept vs Peni... Stupid Peni)
She good.