AI not throwing specials (yeah same old problem)

Look, if I'm complaining too much I'm the bad guy here right? So I want to ask Kabam dev team nicely to change this.
Make it easier for players to bait specials. The AI just dashing back and forth non stop. It's really annoying when you got cornered. There is nothing else you can do about it. So please do something about this. Thank you.
Make it easier for players to bait specials. The AI just dashing back and forth non stop. It's really annoying when you got cornered. There is nothing else you can do about it. So please do something about this. Thank you.

Kabam has put power gain champs, with unblockable specials on way too many damn nodes. It is impossible to bait out specials and has been done to set us up, i believe, to spend.
Spending 2 minutes dodging in match, while the defender charges up to their 3rd,
Is getting old! Fast!
I have already told my alliance that once kabam starts reaching into our pockets to complete war and aq we will make them voluntary rather than mandatory, or we may not play them at all!
Your "pay to win" plans are working! But way to obviously!
Dr. Zola
I have lots of revives and potions expiring.. So, I thought it's better to die on sp3, revive and finish faster.
In the closed post, they stated the AI was not intentionally changed, but many people see an obvious change. If it was not intentionally changed, then was there an update to the Unity graphics engine? Some back end change, perhaps has affected how the AI is perceived and perhaps how it visually appears. Missing frames in a AI response, could make it look like the AI is being superfast for example, and I've had fights where the defender "appears" to move faster than light. I've submitted the new bug report, though the form needs a section for "additional comments" so that we can provide more context.
Or the long shot which everyone knows about his sp2 in map 8. Where literally 60 seconds of dancing to bait an sp1 every single time a bug? It sometimes takes me 3 minutes for that one fight.
So can you acknowledge certain issues we have so we can more direct our issues to be seen and resolved?
Super annoying fight.
Also champs who hogging all the power gain up to sp3 like Aarkus, Hype, Mordo, etc. Next 5 seconds game over.
I'm pretty sure they are just design to more likely throw their sp2 or sp3 but the fact that we have to dex 20 times just to bait sp1 is ridiculous.