So now a possible delay in 5.4 dropping?

We in the mcoc community have been waiting for this chp 4 to arrive for sometime to rank up some of our champs for over a year. This extensive testing thats has been said has been done thoroughly by the words your moderators. You tell us this 12 hours before 5.4 os about to drop. We have been asking and pleading to fix or change your severs for months now. Constant emergency maintenance.
Alot of us top tier players changed our schedules in life and in game to finish this content exclusively. Yes get a life said by some players. I understand Alot dont care for the delay. Why wait now right before the content is supposed to be released. When events and arenas are announced they're expected to be finished products.
Why dont doesnt this follow through with protocol. You dont buy a 3/4 finished car. When a game comes out for a console it isnt half way done when it hits the store or digital download. If your having trouble finishing content dont give us a release date then change it hours before release. Pls fix or get new servers or get a new game engine. We changed maps and wars priorities for this content. Sincerely uncollected
Alot of us top tier players changed our schedules in life and in game to finish this content exclusively. Yes get a life said by some players. I understand Alot dont care for the delay. Why wait now right before the content is supposed to be released. When events and arenas are announced they're expected to be finished products.
Why dont doesnt this follow through with protocol. You dont buy a 3/4 finished car. When a game comes out for a console it isnt half way done when it hits the store or digital download. If your having trouble finishing content dont give us a release date then change it hours before release. Pls fix or get new servers or get a new game engine. We changed maps and wars priorities for this content. Sincerely uncollected
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And what about all the items that were purchased that would now potentially be expired by the time this is release?
I don’t buy this delay due to server ****. You’ve never worried about it before.
prudent to make sure things are sorted first but not new champions before releasing them amirite.
@Born, very good point about items stock up in the stash but may not be used in time and may potentially expire
Totally different wheelhouses.
now you're just cherry picking.
Not at all. Huge difference between possible issues with New Champs being released, and making sure the server doesn't **** out completely during a rush from a major release.
You really think this recent server drop has cause them to all of a sudden say, hmmm maybe we need to get our servers in order before we drop chapter 4? And less than 12 hours before it is due to be released? Common man, these server issues have been part of the game for a long time now. It makes no sense for them to all of a sudden say it isn’t good enough for the release of chapter 4, 12 hours before it is supposed to happen.
The game will go down, no doubt about it. Nothing they will do before the release will prevent it. It goes down multiple times every week even without heavy loading.
Yes. I do think. They have Legends Runs starting with its release, and a good number of people chomping at the bit to get the Resources that come. Delaying it so they can make sure the server is sorted is exactly what I think.
They deleted my last post. But anyway, people who do legends runs know not to attempt a run when the content is first released. Not only is it the time when the game is most likely to go down, it is also before all the possible bugs are found and sorted. With that being said, it has never stopped them from releasing content before, so why now?
People are always on here complaining about servers dropping out when they are attempting a run, yet each month they still release them on schedule.... and to add to that they have said numerous times that server down time will not be calculated into a legends run....
They have know about their server issues for a long time now, makes no sense for them to decide to do something about it 12 hours before chapter 4 is released. They have shown no sympathy in the past.
Server crashes are not planned. They happen. If there are signs that an issue may arise, like a crash the day before, it makes complete sense to sort things out first. When an issue arises after it's already begun, that becomes a different scenario where they have to address it while the Run has already started. One is preemptive, and the other is a response to something. If they can stop things from happening, they usually do. That doesn't mean it's an infallible system.
That's about all I have to say.
100% chance there are bug server issues whenever they get around to dropping 5.4. Nothing this company has done in three years of running this game should engender any confidence in their ability to keep the servers running.
Anyone going for a legend run on day one is an idiot.
And if they do indeed delay this content for that reason, then we can expect 100% stability from here on out? I’ll beleive that when I see it lol
What? lol. So it is prudent to delay potentially bugged content but not potentially bugged champs? It's OK to admit that Kabam screws up some times...
Lol. I am not complaining about their servers going down, I have grown to accept it. I am however questioning it as a reason for delaying chapter 4. I don’t buy it for one second. They haven’t shown this level of concearn with any other content they release.
We're hoping if we have to delay it, it would be a day or two, if not only a few hours.
We know that this isn't ideal, and it's not something we want to do, but with the fights in the chapter being pretty difficult, and the likelihood of players Boosting up for the content, we want to make sure that the game is in peak condition when it is released.
Additionally, you're right, this isn't something we've done before, but that doesn't mean that we can't start.
I'm closing this thread down now, because it's pretty non-constructive.