Suggestion: Don’t charge for Halls of Healing/Gold

Kind of like a back handed compliment. Should make it free like the MODOK event.
Pretty sure you get enough cash from us already.
Pretty sure you get enough cash from us already.
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How? Have you ever heard the expression that time is money? So if you spend hours and day to play for free, and Kabam has bugs or other cheap content that made you spend those hard earned units. I imagine you would be pissed to.How much is your time worth? Its the most valuable thing a person has, its the only thinh we cant get back.
Truth of the matter "if" Kabam is really doing something nice for us... Big if, but it should benefit the players. For instance energy cost should be free or reduced, the 20% boost should have been active during the gold quest. With the game always buggy, and down.. Kabam should compensate with things that are helpful all the way around, instead of having sneaky **** that takes away from the idea of the "appreciation".
Please can I just ask, how do you expect Kabam to actually make money? To pay wages, overheads, development costs, shareholders etc and actually keep the game up and running? There are more than enough ways to earn units in the game, that you can then use to buy energy refills. Therefore they are free. So Gold realm and HOH are already free to play and get the rewards. And the choice to use your valuable time is exactly that , YOUR CHOICE. No-one is forcing you, its your free will, to spend your time playing this game for FREE. You say you play for FREE already, so why are you moaning??? You use the game and all its resources and add nothing back to Kabam at all!
They did the 20% extra Gold last week (and other stuff) exactly because the GR was starting this week, so we all could benefit for a longer period ffs
The amount of stuff Kabam is giving us all this month is unreal, and getting better all the time. We asked for Gold realm and they gave us that and halls of healing as well. MODOK is basically 2 free 5 stars and 4 free 4 stars. 5 star arena was another free 5 star. The best champs for $1 as well. Up to now 4 calendars with masses of free stuff, and sure there will be another as well. The outages last week are being compensated fully and more. Gifting event where what I would usually buy and use anyway (refills, potions etc) I can swap with ally mates and get even more rewards for etc etc
Seriously, what does Kabam have to do to make people like you happy and stop the complaining
Why are they not allowed to actually try and make a profit to keep the game going and pay their staffs wages? Why is everything supposed to be free all the time with only you that benefits and not them? Seriously, please tell me WHAT ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE KABAM TO DO FOR YOU FOR FREE?
If you dont like it, DONT PLAY
EXACTLY!! and you can buy refills with the free units you gain in-game for FREE. People can make 500-1000 units a week easy, buy refills and play every section of the game for FREE
Really? Its same business model as always. New champs = crystal sales, deals and promotions, and items.
The player base does not need to be nickle and dime for mistakes, game outages, and cheap content. That is 100% cheating to make a profit.
To make people happy, honor what you say you will do, keep the game up and playable, fix the bugs, stop making cheap and unavoidable **** that skill can overcome.
If the direction of the game is 6 stars, and with the ranking up is so high. This game needs to evolve to provide resources withouts treating the player base like $h!@.
Transformers has everything MCOC needs and it shows love to the player base.
Bottom line any where else if services provided do not match sevices recieved compensation is in order. If my home internet goes down i get credited for that day. If my meal was prepared wrong they remake it or comp a meal. If your car is in the shop and they didnt fix the issue they continue until its fixed. Hmmm and they still make a profit even though they had to make adjustment for their lack of good service.
True items have value put in place, for the player. Imagine all the item people had to use during outages,and Ice Pheniox. It takes 3 passes for full rewards of halls of healing on master. Both halls of healing and fortune should be ran at the same time. Lets player chose what they need.