Stop wasting our time

Kabam give us champs that doesn’t have the same special attack as other champs and no I’m not taking about abilities I mean the same special 1 like task master you guys copied (civil war) black panther when he uses special 3 and just added a little more to his special 1 (task master)
Not saying they considered this when they built Taskmaster...but isn't his whole thing about being able to duplicate the moves of his opponents? a kinda works?
I can see why you think these animations might be just copied over, but we had to reanimate quite a bit for Taskmaster. His attacks look similar to others because Taskmaster is known for being able to understand, and replicate his opponent's fighting style.
On the other hand, any reason why Abomination's SP3 is identical to Hulk's? I understand some move sets may be the same, but a duplicate copy of an entire SP3 when the characters are not even remotely related (i forgive you for the deadpools and spidermen), c'mon Kabam!
Oh man...were there leaks of Tasomaster's gamplay already?!?!?!